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- Business
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Latest activity on Business subjects at ACU...
This unit was quite difficult especially if you are not familiar with economics or haven't done it b...
6 years ago
Boring, not really interested in this subject
6 years ago
Easy, open book exam
6 years ago
A decent course with different topics from fins acct A. Just like every other accounting course, do...
6 years ago
Will get good marks if you study
6 years ago
MGMT 100 involved a lot of theories and concepts, it is important to reflect the main ideas and unde...
7 years ago
7 years ago
Basic marketing concepts, read the materials and you should be fine.
7 years ago
This unit is very mathematically based (as to be expected), so make sure you understand how to prope...
7 years ago
If you did accounting in VCE, it is pretty much the same.
7 years ago
Was terribly organised, and the teachers didn't seem to care due to the fact that the whole unit was...
7 years ago
Make sure to study the theory side of things from day one.
7 years ago
Similar to business management in year 12.
7 years ago
This course was very simplistic and only offered a minor insight into the use of statistics. I belie...
7 years ago
Pretty good subject. It is on the difficult-must study side of things but the assessments actually a...
7 years ago
Great course, the maths wasnt hard. the content is fundamental and allows you to really understand c...
7 years ago
Dissapointing subject. Would have been a lot better with a more practical approach. For example, get...
9 years ago
Very logical and very little work.
9 years ago
A lot of work for a very logical unit. Very 'wordy' for logical processes. Good luck studying this o...
9 years ago
Known as a 'capstone' unit, this class was quite difficult in terms of the vast array of expected kn...
9 years ago
Interesting but all very logical... very little work.
9 years ago
Good luck to those studying this subject online, face to face is crucial!
9 years ago
Very interesting and informative. However, really need to understand the key concept before understa...
9 years ago
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