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These notes are extremely detailed and concise and were vital for me to do well in the final exam. This unit is very poorly organised so I would highly recommend buying these notes. Covers all lectures and readings from Weeks 1-13. Readings are taken from the prescribed textbook: Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender and Beth Nosworthy, Contemporary Australian Corporate Law (2nd Edition), 2020. The topics included are: 1. Business Organisations & the History of the Corporation 2. Corporate Personality & the Process of Incorporation 3. The Corporate Constitution & Internal Rules 4. Corporate Contracting 5. Corporate Decision-making, Meetings & Reporting 6. Corporate Finance 7. Corporate Fundraising 8. Directors' Duties Part 1 9. Directors' Duties Part 2 10. Members Rights & Remedies 11. Receivership, Schemes of Arrangement & Voluntary Administration 12. Corporate Takeovers I got a distinction as my final grade so these notes are definitely worthwhile


Semester 1, 2021

62 pages

42,919 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

February 2020