USC Law Textbooks
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- 118 Law textbooks at USC
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The latest second hand law textbooks listed at USC:
Authors: Hennessey Hayes, Tim Prenzler
5 months agoAuthors: Francine Feld, Andrew Hemming, Thalia Anthony
1 year agoAuthors: Des Butler, Sharon Christensen, Bill Dixon, Lindy Willmott
1 year agoAuthors: Lindy Willmott, Sharon Christensen, Des Butler, Bill Dixon
1 year agoAuthors: Anne Emily Wallace, Les Alexander McCrimmon, Michael Weir
1 year agoAuthors: Nicholas Aroney, Peter Gerangelos, James Stellios, Sarah Murray
2 years agoAuthors: Michael Sandford King, Arie Freiberg, Becky Batagol, Ross Hyams
2 years agoAuthors: Anne Emily Wallace, Les Alexander McCrimmon, Michael Weir
2 years agoAuthors: BROWN & ADAMS. HARGOVAN
2 years agoAuthors: Gabrielle Appleby, Alexander Reilly, Laura Grenfell
2 years agoAuthors: HENNESSEY & PRENZLER HAYES (TIM.)
2 years agoAuthors: Kelley Burton, Wayne Thomas Crofts, Stella Tarrant
2 years agoAuthors: Hayes, Hennessey & Prenzler, Tim
2 years agoUSC textbooks by subject area: