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The latest second hand textbooks at University of the Sunshine Coast...
Authors: Audrey Berman, Shirlee J. Snyder, Tracy Levett-Jones, Patricia Burton, Nikki Harvey
1 day agoAuthors: JUDY & GORDON CRAFT (CHRIS.)
2 days agoAuthors: Paula Baron, Lillian Corbin
1 week agoAuthors: Price, Kaye
2 weeks agoAuthors: Skamp, Keith
2 weeks agoAuthors: Taylor, Fahey, Kriewaldt, Boon
2 weeks agoAuthors: Diana Whitton, Susan Groundwater-Smith, T. Fetherston, K. Barry
2 weeks agoAuthors: Nash
3 weeks agoAuthors: Brown, LeMay, Langford, Sagatys, George
3 weeks agoAuthors: Greg Rickard, Jacinta Devlin, Greg Linstead, David Madden, Maggie Spenceley
1 month agoAuthors: Julie Fraser, Kirsten Prior, Evan Roberts
1 month agoAuthors: Adam Aitken, Kim Cheng Boey, Michelle Cahill
1 month agoAuthors: William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Story Donno
1 month agoUSC textbooks by subject area: