• 3,121 UQ subjects
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Pharm calc was interesting, useful, and well set out with the quizzes and mini tests. Wong is a clea...

7 years ago


One of the most enjoyable subjects in 4th year pharmacy because it ties in everything you've learnt...

7 years ago


This was a very good course that introduces the business side of retail pharmacy. The business lectu...

7 years ago


as long as you are consistent with doing the quizzes every two weeks and practice enough, you will d...

7 years ago


has such a wide scope of information that you need to know to do well, it is relevant to real life p...

7 years ago


Get started reading materials volume early, just a huge amount to cases to know and understand and y...

7 years ago


actually possible to score very well in this as long as you attempt some practice papers and follow...

7 years ago


Extremely content heavy BUT very interesting content. I have even found myself using the theories in...

7 years ago


This subject has moments of being a bit 'dry' but also is very good to get a good understanding on t...

7 years ago


Content is fun and engaging (especially with Rohan) however the group assignment is a lot of work an...

7 years ago


Beginning weeks are slow with minimal content but after 5 the content becomes heavy so don't forget...

7 years ago


STAT1201 is a great subject and now that I have completed it, I feel as though I have learnt many es...

7 years ago


I did not find the content of this subject (primarily cell biology) interesting at all but feel that...

7 years ago


I personally dislike chemistry and found the first module boring but the second and third modules we...

7 years ago


Great course structure and applications. The course provides an overall very useful mathematics tool...

7 years ago


I really enjoyed POLS13O1. Tutorials were engaging. I was able to more fully understand my own polit...

7 years ago


I studied 'HIST1601: Turning Points in World History' in Semester 1, 2017. It is a good course. It c...

7 years ago


This was an excellent subject. The reading load is difficult, and I found it very challenging, but i...

7 years ago


This was a good course - it helped me better understand Australia's political system and current pol...

7 years ago


This subject was badly structured and I don't learn much because of the lecturer and how they ran th...

7 years ago


Boring content but listening to lectures and attending tutorials makes it so easy to deal with. The...

7 years ago


Worst organisational psych subject I've taken at the uni. There is not much content and it doesn't c...

7 years ago


Boring content but the lecturer was efficient in getting through it in the 2 hours. He made it less...

7 years ago


Standard first year subject

7 years ago

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