- Uni. of Qld
- Subjects
- Engineering
- 322 UQ Engineering textbooks
- 17 UQ Engineering tutors
- 267 UQ Engineering ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Engineering subjects at Uni. of Qld...
Very enjoyable course with interesting and relevant lecture content.
9 years ago
This is a moderately tough course but is still manageable. Need excellent report writing skills to o...
9 years ago
It's very easy to score this subject once you have a clear idea of what's going on. Need excellent r...
9 years ago
This is very good subject. Allows students to think critically about systems and perform a series of...
9 years ago
So the subject starts off FANTASTIC being taught by Tim Nicholson but then it goes into mechanical p...
9 years ago
Good for the basic understanding of electrical theory and practice, however if you don't focus in th...
10 years ago
The subject offers the opportunity to understand how you can develop your management skills in term...
10 years ago
The course itself isn't difficult. It's just important to fully understand the criteria and brush up...
10 years ago
The subject is a great introduction into the breadth of polymer engineering and clearly introduces t...
10 years ago
The hardest course in second year chemical engineering.
10 years ago
This subject was great, we were able to choose our own research laboratory to work and explore in an...
10 years ago
good subject, nice and easy and a great GPA booster
10 years ago
Taught really really really badly but the material itself is very intensive but can be done... grab...
10 years ago
Great subject, great lecturer and great tutors... great subject overall... do have a small hitch wit...
10 years ago
ooh well statistics... so far it has been rather easy however Damien (the lecturer) does not place m...
10 years ago
haha where do i start with MATH2000... basically Yao Ban is a really really smart person but a reall...
10 years ago
much easier then 1051... lectuers are good and they really try to help you out.
10 years ago
loved it... if you can get Poh as your lecturer cause she is amazing at teaching the material :) als...
10 years ago
Overall a great subject... The thing with this subject is that it will 'click' once it clicks it all...
10 years ago
geesh well this subject was a bit of a waste overall... the main thing to do for this one is to just...
10 years ago
Great course with plenty of good tips. Though designed for mechanical students to get a brief intro...
10 years ago
While the main lecturer is a little boring, the course has a lot of essential content and it is deli...
10 years ago
Excellent stepping stone course to progress in either math or engineering. Do not think its useless...
10 years ago
Statics lecturer was excellent. Very clear explanations, favourite lecturer of the semester. Unfortu...
10 years ago
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