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The latest notes at The University of New South Wales...

JURD 7160 / LAWS 1160 Comprehensive Exam Notes (New Curriculum + New Textbook)

UNSW JURD7160 - Administrative Law

For Semester 1, 2017


2017 Admin Law Notes

UNSW JURD7160 - Administrative Law

For Semester 2, 2017


Contracts Law Notes

UNSW LAWS1075 - Contracts

For Term 1, 2019


TABL1710 - Comprehensive notes for finals and assignment

UNSW TABL1710 - Business and the Law

For Semester 2, 2018


MARK1012 Marketing Fundamentals Notes

UNSW MARK1012 - Marketing Fundamentals

For Term 3, 2019


FINS3630 Comprehensive Course Notes

UNSW FINS3630 - Bank Financial Management

For Semester 1, 2018


Complete Readings Public Law Notes (LAWS1075)

UNSW LAWS1141 - Principles of Public Law

For Semester 1, 2018


HD Comprehensive PSYC2101 notes

UNSW PSYC2101 - Assessment, Personality & Psychopathology

For Semester 2, 2018


HD Comprehensive PSYC1B notes

UNSW PSYC1011 - Psychology 1B

For Semester 2, 2017


ECON3109 Finals Notes + Tutorial Papers

UNSW ECON3109 - Economic Growth, Technology and Structural Change

For Semester 1, 2016


Federal Constitutional Law - comprehensive exam/mid-semester notes

UNSW LAWS2150 - Federal Constitutional Law

For Term 1, 2019


ACCT1501 Notes

UNSW ACCT1501 - Accounting and Financial Management 1A

For Term 1, 2019


Summarised/ Colour Coded Private Law Exam Notes: 80 in Exam

UNSW JURD7150 - Principles of Private Law

For Semester 1, 2018


2019 MGMT2101 Entire Course Notes!

UNSW MGMT2101 - International Business and Multinational Operations

For Term 1, 2019


DISTINCTION - Foundations of IP Notes

UNSW LAWS3021 - Foundations of Intellectual Property Law

For Semester 1, 2018


CHEM1101 Chemistry 1A Complete Course Notes (High Distinction)

UNSW CHEM1011 - Chemistry A: Atoms, Molecules and Energy

For Semester 1, 2016


HD ILJ Case Notes

UNSW LAWS1052 - Introducing Law & Justice

For Semester 1, 2016


MARK1012: Marketing Fundamentals Comprehensive Notes and Summary

UNSW MARK1012 - Marketing Fundamentals

For Term 3, 2019


SOCW1001 Exam Summary

UNSW SOCW1001 - Introduction to Social Work

For Semester 1, 2018


CRIM1010 Exam Prep Summary

UNSW CRIM1010 - Criminology: An Introduction

For Semester 1, 2018


FINS3616 International Business Finance

UNSW FINS3616 - International Business Finance

For Semester 1, 2018


Administrative Law (1160) - Detailed Course Notes (New Curriculum)

UNSW LAWS1160 - Administrative Law

For Semester 1, 2017



UNSW LAWS2351 - Court Process, Evidence and Proof

For Semester 2, 2018


Distinction-14-Page-FINAL EXAM NOTE for Crime2

UNSW JURD7122 - Criminal Laws

For Semester 1, 2018


UNSW notes by subject area: