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  • 1,489 subject notes at UNSW
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The latest notes at The University of New South Wales...

HD LAWS1141 notes (mark 87)

UNSW LAWS1141 - Principles of Public Law

For Term 3, 2019


ACCT3583 Comprehensive DISTINCTION Final Exam Notes

UNSW ACCT3583 - Management Accounting 2

For Term 1, 2020


ACCT2542 Final Exam Comprehensive DISTINCTION (81) Notes

UNSW ACCT2542 - Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis

For Term 2, 2019


ACCT2542 Concise DISTINCTION (81) Cheat Sheets

UNSW ACCT2542 - Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis

For Term 2, 2019


Criminal Laws (UG and JD) - HD notes

UNSW JURD7122 - Criminal Laws

For Term 1, 2020


Criminal Laws (UG and JD) - HD notes

UNSW laws1022 - Criminal Laws

For Term 1, 2020


Principles of Private Law Notes (UG and JD) - Course Prize

UNSW JURD7150 - Principles of Private Law

For Term 1, 2020


Detailed High Distinction (HD) MARK2071 Notes

UNSW MARK2071 - International and Global Marketing

For Semester 1, 2018


Detailed, Distinction PSYC1024 Notes

UNSW PSYC1024 - Clinical Perspectives On Anxiety, Mood And Stress

For Semester 2, 2017


Distinction, Detailed Psychology of Addiction Complete Notes

UNSW PSYC1022 - The Psychology Of Addiction

For Semester 2, 2017


Complete HD MGMT2001 Notes

UNSW MGMT2001 - Managing Innovation and Organisational Change

For Semester 1, 2017


Detailed HD MARK2052 Notes

UNSW MARK2052 - Marketing Research

For Semester 2, 2016



UNSW LAWS1052 - Introducing Law & Justice

For Term 1, 2020


Distinction PSYC3331 Completed Notes

UNSW PSYC3331 - Health Psychology

For Term 3, 2021


FINS3636 Formulas and Quick Notes MIDTERM EXAM + FINAL EXAM (86 HD)

UNSW FINS3636 - Interest Rate Risk Management

For Semester 1, 2018


HD PSYC3121 Course Notes and Online Module Notes

UNSW PSYC3121 - Social Psychology

For Term 3, 2020


FINS3635 Formulas and Quick Notes MIDTERM EXAM + FINAL EXAM (90 HD)

UNSW FINS3635 - Options, Futures and Risk Management

For Semester 1, 2018


High Distinction PSYC1011: Psychology 1B Notes

UNSW PSYC1011 - Psychology 1B

For Semester 2, 2017



UNSW PSYC2101 - Assessment, Personality & Psychopathology

For Semester 2, 2018



UNSW LAWS1150 - Principles of Private Law

For Term 3, 2019


LAWS2385 Exam Scaffolds

UNSW LAWS2385 - Equity And Trusts

For Term 3, 2020


Property Exam Table - Comprehensive Notes

UNSW LAWS1150 - Principles of Private Law

For Semester 2, 2015


LAWS1150 Condensed Exam Notes

UNSW LAWS1150 - Principles of Private Law

For Semester 2, 2018


LAWS1150 Principles of Private Law HD Exam Notes

UNSW LAWS1150 - Principles of Private Law

For Semester 2, 2016


UNSW notes by subject area: