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PROP10001 H1 (91) Summary Notes

These notes are a comprehensive summary of ALL key lectures, prescribed readings, key tutorial conte...

81 pages, 25287 words


All notes from lectures and readings. Includes information needed for exams.

44 pages, 15749 words


$50 per hour

Dux and experienced tutor offering help to excel in your FINAL EXAMS. I offer packages to help you p...


$25 per hour

Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...


$35 per hour

I completed my Bachelor of Design from the University of Melbourne in 2022 and recently finished my...


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


It was a easy H1 but I did put in a bit of effort. The assessments were not hard and quite clear on what is needed to be done. I did not have much background in economics and zero in property. I recommend this to make your load easier.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

H1 (87). PROP10001 is a very easy, albeit at times boring WAM booster. The first assessment is worth 25% and is an open book online multiple choice test on basic economic theories like elasticity and marginal utility; you should get 90%+ in this by simply collating the module notes and referencing them when needed. Second assessment involves mapping out two directions from Melbourne's CBD and explaining variations in price/sqm and population density as distance increases. Your tutor will help you to use excel, google maps, and apply theory by using an example direction. This assignment, by following criteria to a tee, should be another easy 90%+ (worth 37.5%). The last asssessment worth another 37.5% involves a more social justice perspective toward property in Australia and requires you to analyse Chapter 1 of the Native Title Report. In this assessment you just have to answer some questions by applying information from the document and other additional sources you may choose to bolster the position that development in Australia has not adequately aided First Nations Australians. This was the most boring part of the course and was where I dropped the most marks, barely scraping an H1 for the report. No background in property or economics is really needed for this subject but some level of interest in property would make this an easy WAM booster. I never once attended a lecture or even watched the recordings online so I have no real clue what they were about but if I had to guess they probably involved interactive activities loosely based on coursework that was never examined. The modules were a godsend, make sure you're on top of them prior to and during the first two assessments as they are vital in both the test and in answering questions related to the properties that you investigate along your chosen direction from the CBD. This subject was chill enough to let me neglect it for weeks at a time, just make sure to attend all tutorials and give yourself a comfy gap of times of no more than a week to start and finish assessments without stress.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023


Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

martinessayservices@gmail.com Dont be fooled if you concentrate it will be very simple. I am always available to answer all your queries. The aim of any student should always be to get the highest mark possible. If you need guidance martinessayservices@gmail.com

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018