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GENE30001 Notes

Descriptive & condensed summaries of ALL lectures in GENE30001.

57 pages, 48498 words


$90 per hour

***GAMSAT, MMI and Unimelb subjects*** Hello! My name is Sophie. I'm currently studying Doctor of...


This was a subject that I enjoyed by the end but really frustrated me while I was doing it. Charles is great - he can seem a bit intimidating initially but he is really nice and very approachable! I'm glad he is so involved in the genetics major because he is a really good lecturer. Most of the other lecturers, Belinda, Heroen, Jack and Nina, were decent, not much to say. Alex is personally not the lecturer for me - I understood more going in to the lecture than I did coming out of it, and chatGPT was able to teach me more than Alex could. The assignments in this subject were difficult, and definitely forced me to be a bit more independent. This subject is a lot easier if you seek out additional resources and make sure to be pedantic when notetaking, but by the end of it I left with a good experience. If you enjoy evolutionary science and genetics then you'll definitely get something out of this subject, but may not be worth the hassle otherwise.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Fine, I guess. Charles (general evolutionary biology), Jack (speciation and development) and Belinda (conservation genetics) are good lecturers fairly diverse and interesting content. The sections on phylogenetics and population/quantitative genetics, on the other hand, felt way overcomplicated. In phylogenetics' case, it seemed to assume we knew far more than we did. In the latter's case, it somehow made every possible concept seem complex, even ones we'd learned about before. The mating systems section was fine but it culminated in an underwhelming assignment that seemed quite irrelevant to most of what we'd learned, and the content wasn't examinable anyway, making it feel overall like a waste of time.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

There are various lecturers and most of their specific topics were taught well. They seem passionate about the content. The exam material was also specific.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014