Business Statistics 1
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Sell your textbook for QM161Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, Global Edition
David M. Levine, David F. Stephan, Kathryn A. Szabat
For sale by Briarna for $80
Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, Global Edition
David M. Levine, David F. Stephan, Kathryn A. Szabat
For sale by Caitlin for $70
Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, Global Edition
David M. Levine, David F. Stephan, Kathryn A. Szabat
For sale by Karen for $20
View all QM161 notesQM161: Business Statistics Notes
These notes are a comprehensive summary of QM161 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textbook...
37 pages, 11750 words
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The course really builds on itself, so you need to stay on top of it but the recorded lectures are well explained and I found the topic notes thorough enough that you could get by without the textbook if you needed to and tougher topics are given multiple weeks. A bit assignment heavy but none are individually too difficult, and I might just be a bit strange but I found myself applying what we were learning to my real life and job almost straight away. I can see it being a real slog if you get behind on work but stay on top of it and you'll be right.
Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2018
A very interesting unit that has a lot applications in the business world. The units topic notes were very all over the place and difficult to understand, however, the lectures were excellent. This is a great unit for students who are more inclined toward quantitative/skill-based methods. While this unit is difficult and requires lots of work, it is very rewarding. Don't be daunted by all the horror stories you hear about uni statitics, this is a great unit!
Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2018
Lecturer was quite enthusiastic and very personable
Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2016
The lecturer was great. The tuts are essential to developing a sound understanding and preparing for quizzes/final exam.
Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2014
Worst subject I've ever taken. The unit notes did not have a logical structure which made the subject matter difficult to grasp. The textbook was more helpful - but could be confusion between things the lecturer said and the textbook stated. Thank god for YouTube videos that actually explained the things in the material.
Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2015
Fantastic lecturer. Great start to statistics. Always ask for help if needed.