Principles of Australian Contract Law: Cases and Materials

Peter Radan, John V. Gooley, Ilija Vickovich

For sale by HANNAH for $80

Comprehensive Contract Notes with Cases and Flowcharts

Comprehensive Contract Notes: - Lecture summaries - Case authorities - Flow charts for each topi...

108 pages, 21000 words

Contract Law 172 - Comprehensive Study Notes

These comprehensive contract notes are based on lectures, readings, written in plain English, and in...

94 pages, 26961 words

LAW172 - Exam Notes

Covers examinable topics for T3, 2020 exam: Vitiating Factors at Common Law; Vitiating Factors at St...

37 pages, 18714 words

LAW172 - Contract Law study notes 2020

Topic 1 – Contract Formation I • Agreement & Intention to Create Legal Relations (ICLR) Topic 2...

174 pages, 71348 words

Contracts - Essential Flow Charts

This covers all weeks of contracts and is an invaluable guide to stepping through each stage of cont...

17 pages, 500 words


$40 per hour

I am currently a student studying a Bachelor of Laws. I would love to help tutor those who need help...


$30 per hour

Hello there, My name is Claudia and I am currently undertaking a double degree in Law and Business...
