- Southern Cross Uni.
- Subjects
- Health
- 234 SCU Health textbooks
- 7 SCU Health tutors
- 90 SCU Health ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Health subjects at Southern Cross Uni....
This was a good introduction to nursing practice. Very broad
10 years ago
Our tutor was great and provided a good insight into nursing. She explained topics with her experien...
10 years ago
This is a really hard subject but Amanda Hawkins, the unit assessor is fantastic. There are online p...
10 years ago
Boring subject, didn't learn too much and disliked group work
10 years ago
Average subject, it seems a little unnecessary in my education.
10 years ago
Good subject, I learn't a lot.
10 years ago
Great Subject, wish there was more practical skills to learn though
10 years ago
Lots to learn, but a very helpful tutor and lots of quizzes to help us students pass.
10 years ago
Tough subject, but great subject! I learnt a lot!
10 years ago
Great subject, although all the credit goes to the amazing tutor and unit assessor; Amanda!
10 years ago
Amanda is a brilliant unit assessor and tutor, loved systemic anatomy !!!
10 years ago
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