An Introduction to Property Law in Australia

Robert Chambers

For sale by Jemima for $65

2024 Property B Notes | 171 Pages / 102k Words For Maximum Detail! | HD Assessment Proven | Entire Unit Notes Covering All Topics | Structured Step by Step with Script

These comprehensive Property B notes (which are HD proven on all assessments) cover all topics asses...

171 pages, 102887 words

HD Property B Comprehensive Exam Notes - full exam script, summarised legislation & case analogies

These notes were instrumental in achieving a HD score of 83 on the final exam - for a subject that i...

50 pages, 29111 words


These notes include structured answers and case summaries for topic 1 (co-ownership) & topic 2 (equi...

16 pages, 7276 words

HD Property B Exam Notes - Updated for 2025 - Step by Step with Script

HD Property B exam notes with exam script and concise case summaries. Topics covered: Fraud and I...

23 pages, 14270 words

HD LAW3402 Property B Highly Comprehensive Notes (UPDATED 2025)

These are comprehensive Property B notes which enabled me to get an HD. The notes provide an extreme...

362 pages, 142039 words


These notes cover every examinable topic for the subject ‘Property B’ and will assist you with both...

78 pages, 25000 words


Comprehensive, structured notes which contain SCRIPTING, CASE SUMMARIES and are COLOUR CODED for eas...

142 pages, 60323 words

Property B Full Exam Script + Case Summaries/Analogies

Spent lots of time writing these notes - all relevant case summaries are included with each topic an...

56 pages, 20599 words

LAW3402 Property B Exam Notes

These notes are detailed, neatly formatted (with headings, subheadings and tables) and contain conci...

53 pages, 30359 words


Comprehensive and detailed exam notes with script, compiled from lectures, readings and tutorials....

153 pages, 55000 words


$65 per hour

Hello! I'm currently in my last year, studying law at Monash University. When it comes to teaching,...


$50 per hour

Hello, I'm a penultimate year Juris Doctor candidate at Monash University. I am able to provide...


Actually incredibly enjoyable. Sharon Rodrick was a fantastic lecturer. Much more fun than Property A, in my personal opinion. I wish I had studied this subject earlier, and in more depth. It gave me a good idea of what I would like to pursue in the future. The topics are few, but heavy. Unfortunately, assessments in general were marked quite harshly, especially the mid-sem exam, which I would highly recommend preparing for. Keep in mind that usually material covered in the mid-sem exam will not be covered again in the end of semester exam in this subject. My enjoyment stemmed from the fact that the cases varied wildly and were incredibly interesting and applicable to the real-world. Property B explores ownership over one's property and opened my eyes to the significance property law holds over the lives of everyday people. I wouldn't be worried if Property A was not a favourite because Property B is it's own clear and separate subject.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024