Australian Real Property Law 7th Edition

Anthony Moore, Lynden Griggs, Scott Grattan

For sale by Madeleine for $70

Australian Real Property Law

Anthony Moore, Scott Grattan and Lynden Griggs

For sale by Shue Wei for $85


These notes cover every examinable topic for the subject ‘Property B’ and will assist you with both...

79 pages, 25100 words

HD LAW3402 Property B Exam Notes with Scripts

These HD notes cover all the topics found in LAW3402 Property B at Monash University and are up to d...

50 pages, 16600 words

LAW3402 HD Property Law B Notes (90)!

These notes got me an HD (90) for the unit! Comprehensive, detailed and perfect to use for both the...

70 pages, 23725 words

Property B Full Exam Script + Case Summaries/Analogies

Spent lots of time writing these notes - all relevant case summaries are included with each topic an...

56 pages, 20599 words

HD LAW3402 Property B Notes

These HD notes cover all the topics found in LAW3402 Property B at Monash University and are up to d...

92 pages, 35500 words

HD Property B Comprehensive Exam Notes - full exam script, summarised legislation & case analogies

These notes were instrumental in achieving a HD score of 83 on the final exam - for a subject that i...

50 pages, 29111 words

2024 Property B Notes | 171 Pages / 102k Words For Maximum Detail! | HD Assessment Proven | Entire Unit Notes Covering All Topics | Structured Step by Step with Script

These comprehensive Property B notes (which are HD proven on all assessments) cover all topics asses...

171 pages, 102887 words

HD Property B Exam Notes - Updated for 2024 - Step by Step with Script

HD Property B exam notes with exam script and concise case summaries. Topics covered: Fraud and I...

23 pages, 14270 words

LAW3402 Property B Lecture Note (2023 S2 updated)

A detailed and colour coded Property B lecture note that enables me to get a HD in 2023 S2. It inclu...

93 pages, 36130 words

LAW3402 Property B Notes (HD)

- Equitable interests (resulting trusts, common intention constructive trust, joint venture construc...

43 pages, 17076 words


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I am an expert researcher in Social Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy, Literature, English 101, and H...
