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The latest notes at Monash University...

LAW5001 - Crim Law HD notes!

Monash LAW5001 - Principles Of Criminal Law & Procedure

For Semester 1, 2021



Monash LAW2111 - Constitutional Law

For Semester 2, 2019


Trusts Exam Case Summaries

Monash LAW5010 - Principles Of Trusts

For Semester 2, 2019


HD Law & Discrimination Notes

Monash LAW4129 - Law And Discrimination

For Semester 2, 2019


BMS2052 Notes

Monash BMS2052 - Microbes In Health And Disease

For Semester 2, 2017


Monash University Biology 1011

Monash BIO1011 - Biology

For Semester 1, 2017


BIO1022 Full Exam Notes

Monash BIO1011 - Biology

For Semester 2, 2016



Monash PSY4210 - Statistics and research design for professional psychology

For Semester 1, 2017


Summarised Notes Week 1 - 12

Monash PHR1031 - How The Body Works

For Semester 1, 2017


EMPLOYMENT Exam Notes (detailed template - copy + paste into exam)

Monash LAW4132 - Law Of Employment

For Semester 2, 2018


LDR Exam Notes (suitable for LAW4303/LAW5013) - HD (90)

Monash LAW4303/LAW5013 - Litigation And Dispute Resolution

For Semester 2, 2020


MCB2011 Exam Summary Notes

Monash MCB2011 - Molecular Biology And The Cell

For Semester 1, 2018


ENG1001: Eng Design: LFS (HD)

Monash ENG1001 - Engineering Design: Lighter, Faster, Stronger

For Semester 1, 2016


Comprehensive ALRM Notes for first trimester students!

Monash LAW5000 - Australian Legal Reasoning And Methods

For Semester 1, 2021


FIT2094 Exam Revision Notes

Monash FIT2094 - Database

For Semester 2, 2019


Admin Law Casebook

Monash LAW5014 - Principles Of Administrative Law

For Semester 2, 2019


DEV3011 Some notes + Practice Questions

Monash DEV3011 - Fundamentals of developmental processes

For Semester 1, 2016


CIV4287: Road Engineering

Monash CIV4287 - Road Engineering

For Semester 2, 2018


ENG1002: Eng Design: CSS (HD)

Monash ENG1002 - Engineering: Cleaner, Safer, Smarter

For Semester 1, 2016


Property Law B - Case Book

Monash LAW3402 - Property B

For Semester 2, 2016


LAW4331 Admin Law - FULL NOTES (incl. textbook, lectures and sketchnotes)

Monash LAW4331 - Administrative Law

For Semester 1, 2019


HD Administrative Law Exam Notes

Monash LAW4331 - Administrative Law

For Semester 2, 2017


LAW4331 Administrative Law Notes - HD

Monash LAW4331 - Administrative Law

For Semester 1, 2017


HD CHM1011 Notes

Monash CHM1011 - Chemistry I

For Semester 1, 2017


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