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HD (92). PSYU3349 Design & Statistics III Comprehensive Notes

Thank you for viewing my notes! This unit is quite a difficult one, so I hope my notes are able to s...

122 pages, 26458 words

HD (92). PSYU3349 Design & Statistics III Workbook and Answer Sheet - Test Yourself!

Hello, I created a workbook and answer sheet for this subject as a way to revise for the final ex...

80 pages, 15381 words

81 (Distinction) | FINAL EXAM CHEAT SHEET | PSYU3349 (Design & Statistics III)

I received a mark of 81 (D) for the overall unit: 94 (HD) for the weekly quizzes, 80 (D) for the mid...

4 pages, 4282 words

HD (92). PSYU3349 Design and Statistics Cheat Sheet

Thank you for viewing my notes! This unit is quite a difficult one, so I hope my cheat sheet can hel...

4 pages, 2535 words

HD (92). PSYU3349 Statistics Final Exam Cheat Sheet

Thank you for viewing my notes! This unit is quite a difficult one, so I hope my cheat sheet can hel...

4 pages, 2535 words

PSYU3349 Final Exam - Cheat Sheet Notes

Clearly written and nicely designed to help get through your statistics final exam. Covers weeks 1-1...

4 pages, 2388 words

Design and Statistics 3 - Unit Summary

Covers lecture topics week 1-13: - Multiple Regression - Two-way ANOVA via Regression - ANCOVA vi...

49 pages, 9838 words

PSYU3349 Revision Notes

Thank you for viewing my notes! This unit is quite a difficult one, so I hope my revision notes can...

51 pages, 10686 words

PSYU3349 Design and Statistics III exam Cheat sheet

Concise summary of concepts covered from week 1-12. Colour coded by topic. Used as a cheat sheet in...

4 pages, 2389 words


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Hello fellow psychology-lovers! My name is Daniel and I completed a Bachelor of Psychology (Honou...


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$25 per hour

I am an experienced tutor specialising in exam preparation, online assessments, and I'm also a writi...


$50 per hour

My name is Sarah, and I am currently completely my Masters and have received an HD average in the ma...


This was the worst unit I've ever taken in my life. The assignment was absolutely horrific. Eric explained nothing. The whole cohort struggled with understanding the assignment. The final exam was the worst thing I've ever taken. The cheat sheet was super unhelpful as most of the questions required formulas and relevant information that we weren't taught

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

This unit is incredibly challenging but well worth the challenge if you're up for it. The content and the analyses you learn are really interesting and, dare I say, fun – but for me the thing that really dragged down my rating is the way it is assessed and the outdated slides. Lectures first, Erik made his slides every week using a colour coded system that he laid out in week 1, which I personally found super helpful. If there was ever an error in his slides, he would re-upload them to ensure you would have a copy free of errors. Alissa, on the other hand, used the same set of slides that friends of mine have from about 5 years ago. They are riddled with typos, missing syntax etc. the balloons background felt very 90's kids birthday party invitation and I also just found that this semester felt a bit phoned in from her. She often didn't know how things were coded which would get confusing during the lecture and like others have said, outside of week 1, there were no examples on how to write up results from new analyses. The major writing assingment was an absolute nightmare and misleading. We were told we only needed the first four weeks material, but what you really needed was the model building (week 7) material to do the entire assingment. They wanted to see you do nested regression for every question, and upgrade ordinal variables to numeric – none of which you learn in detail in the first four weeks (outside of using nested regression to get the main effects in ANCOVA week 4). Because of this, that assingment was unnecessarily confusing, and you had barely any time to complete it too. The mid-sem exam is ultimately a trick – they purposefully use ambiguous language and that's what makes it challenging. It's not truly an exam of demonstrating your use of stata, more a 'do you understand this more obscure way of asking for a coefficient?'. The weekly quizzes, as well, are worded so ambiguously, 99% of the time they're more of an english comprehension task than actually testing your statistical knowledge – so again, you need to really take your time to do them and make sure you understand exactly what's being asked of you. The final exam I felt was the best assessment in the unit, it was incredibly challenging but actually felt like (for once) I was being assessed on my knowledge of statistics and not some obscure trickery like they'd been doing the entire semester. There were some typos in the exam though, which took away from not only some of my reading time, but actual working time by the time the invigilator found out they were in fact typos and not intentional. The only other thing, and this may not bother some, was the use of language around race in this unit. A lot of examples used datasets (of real life data) comparing black, white and hispanic income and years of education or black and white rates of receiving the death penalty depending on the race of both the defendant and victim. Now, I have no problem with the content, but how it was discussed. It does not come across well when your white and affluential lecturer starts saying 'blacks have this' or 'whites have this' 'look at the blacks' 'is this blacks or whites?' – again, maybe this doesn't bother others, but I do think we can be more cautious with how we communicate this, and also make a point of stating something like 'and seeing as this is real world data, it speaks to a larger issue of x' – but there was none of that. I also hated that the statement of 'oh it's just gonna get more depressing' or just the general joking banter that came along with it – it just felt a bit out of touch. Having said all that, it wasn't the worst unit in the world, but it could be greatly improved. If stats isn't your strong suit and you want to get into honours, you'll need to get a personal tutor to help you out – there's a lot to cover, it's purposefully confusing and you won't get a good grade if you fall behind. I would also recommend watching the lectures in person or livestream – they're 3 hours long and incredibly important to fully understand or you won't even have a chance of getting above a credit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

MUCH, MUCH more difficult than PSYU2248. Be prepared, as it really takes off from week 2. I highly recommend attending the lectures in person if you want to succeed in this unit. 3 hours is a lot, but being there in person and taking it in enabled me to do far better than I otherwise would have. As for the lecturers, Alissa's lectures are a lot easier to understand for the less statistically-inclined. She makes complex topics a lot easier to digest with some great example datasets and answers questions very well. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say she has made our statistics journey a lot more bearable and even, dare I say, enjoyable. As a below review said, her high standard of teaching is evident in her Erik clearly has less experience in communicating, but does not do too bad of a job in answering questions. Although he is generally OK, I would say it was a lot harder to digest the content of the last 2 weeks that he delivered (although that may have been in part because of how much more difficult and complicated this section of the unit was compared to the rest). As for the assignments, the weekly quizzes and the mid-semester exam in particular should almost be a free 20%. I would recommend ensuring you're in a class with a good tutor such as Seth. The practical project is rough, ridiculously hard to approach but marked fairly generously and overall not too bad as long as you have engaged with the content well, with an average mark of 70. The final exam doesn't introduce anything too unfamiliar, but definitely be sure to practice the hell out of the repeated measures + mixed designs topics (weeks 11-13). A practice exam is provided a week before the final which is a decent represenation of what you can expect, but you should rely more on your understanding of the topics rather than the 4-page cheat sheet that you are allowed to bring in. Overall, definitely the most challenging unit I've ever taken but also the most rewarding. Room for improvement in some aspects of the teaching, and the assignment could definitely be better, but I really commend both Erik and especially Alissa for their efforts and I'm sure they will improve it even more for the future. I think the very first review here sums up this unit nicely!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

The most horrendous unit I have ever taken. Just be prepared for the final exam - your cheat sheet will be basically useless. I had pretty much everything covered in the course on the cheat sheet yet they asked the most tedious and insane questions which required equations and formulas I had never even seen in the unit before. The practical project is marked extremely harsh, JUST HOPE that you do not get Demyan as your tutor. He is not helpful in practicals, not welcoming and is an extremely harsh and lazy marker. Alissa does not provide syntax examples and how to report output. Erik is okay but my goodness did he make the practical the hardest assignment I have ever had to complete in my life. THE WORST UNIT EVER. good look to whoever wants to get into honours now that they've introduced the cap for those starting in 2024 - this unit will bring your wam down down down...

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Amazing unit for stats

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

This unit is really hard but really interesting! It takes a lot of work to stay on top of the content every week, but the quizzes are a good incentive to keep going. The content itself isn't too difficult if you sit down and give yourself a few hours every week to reflect on it after watching the lecture. Alissa is a fantastic lecturer and her organisation and dedication to a high standard of teaching is evident in her lectures. The final three lectures (not presented by Alissa), however, were really disorganised and difficult to follow, meaning that content that wasn't that hard became hard due to poor communication. I'd highly recommend seeking an external, private tutor if you have any questions about the course content.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

This unit can go die. THIS IS A HUGE WARNING for hopeful honours students. This unit has destroyed the hopes and dreams of many getting into honours. I knew someone who just missed out (74.6 WAM) because they got a 53 in stats. First of all, THREE HOURS OF LECTURE CONTENT A WEEK! And no, it's not like you can watch on 2x speed. This is really complicated stuff for the most of us. If you are a natural math wiz then lucky you. Otherwise, the rest of us were screwed. Mike is such a boring lecturer. I can't believe just how boring he is. Naiomi doesn't even make sense. She just blabbers on and on and on. Tutorials each week were another waste of time. They didn't clarify any lecture content, just going over the weekly quizzes. Despite each weekly quiz being 1% each, they take a long time. So be careful. A lot of back and forth, going from stata, back to lecture and repeat. But you need to do well in them because even 10% can make a difference. The half yearly seemed like a waste of time, and was also worth 10% BUT you need to aim high here for the quizzes and half yearly. This is because of the assessment... the awful assessment. BARLEY any guidance, you had 10 different documents saying different things and it takes FOR EVER. Start it early and try your absolute best. This is because it DOES get worse from here. The final exam: most difficult exam you ever would have sat. The practice exam does not do it justice AT ALL. You are lucky that it's just MC so you even have a CHANCE at getting each question right. All I am saying is you need all the marks you can get. I now need to maintain an 80 AVG across my second semester subjects for 3000 units because this one dragged me down so much.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

This statistics unit has 3 hours of lectures a week and contains some tough content. It is a core subject for psych students so you will have to do it. I recommend doing the weekly quizzes as best as you can, also go along to the weekly Q&A zoom (I didn't know about this until the end of semester). You can't really discuss lecture content in the tutorials as the tutors don't watch the lectures. They are just there to help you with the quizzes. So definitely go to the Q&A zoom or to PAL. The assignment is also really complicated, there are a lot of documents you need to find out what you have to do. Sort this out early so that you are clear on exactly what they want from you. Overall, the lecturers and tutors are nice and helpful, the general discussion forum is a good place to ask extra questions. Try to keep up with the work each week, and you will be okay :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

This unit is really hard. There are just no two ways about that. But this is the unit that made me fall in love with statistics. Understanding the content of this unit gives such a complete understanding of statistics that is extremely useful in psychology, other areas of academia and just life. There are things I wish happened differently with this unit, but all in all it contains some truly amazing knowledge.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020