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Contract B Notes

Comprehensive and easy to follow contract law B notes. Essentially your bible to the end of semester...

86 pages, 35878 words

LAW2CTB - Course notes and case summaries

Comprehensive course notes and case summaries covering all topics: - Rescission - Misrepresenta...

123 pages, 44000 words


FULL CTB EXAM NOTES COVERING ALL TOPICS FROM SEMESTER 2, with readings material incorporated into it...

24 pages, 13572 words

LAW2CTB- Contract Law B

Comprehensive notes covering Contract Law B topics. Structured layout for easy navigation and co...

20 pages, 8431 words

LAW2CTB - Full Course Notes (Lecture, Textbook & Tutorial)

Includes weekly notes on: - Module 1: Common Law Defence to Breach -- Misrepresentation -- Mistak...

122 pages, 63286 words

Contract B Complete Exam Notes

I received an 80 for this subject. My notes contain case summaries, topics broken down into elements...

82 pages, 36243 words

Contract Law B Exam Notes (Summary)

You can use this as a concise summary of all the cases and important provisions to consider, which I...

54 pages, 20036 words

Contract Law B notes

ELEMENTS OF MISREPRESENTATION - What has to be shown to constitute actionable misrepresentation? 7...

114 pages, 54477 words

Contract Law B Notes

Shortened exam style notes that are specifically tailored to assist in the exam, very detailed study...

212 pages, 74515 words


$30 per hour

Hi Everyone I'm currently completing my PhD at one of Australia's top universities. I absolutely...


$20 per hour

Test Prep, Assignment Assistance, Essay Planning, Proofreading I look forward to taking on privat...


$20 per hour

** Study SMART, not hard! ** Come learn the tricks I used in my undergrad studies to attain a WAM of...


Subject comes with lecture notes in word format. Literally a summary of most (not all) points in the textbook. Be sure to get the textbook and read through and make your own notes. It's interesting but moves fast, ask questions and ignore suck ups. The subject is well organised and Nd structured, though that's isn't always clear to be so, as you read through the textbook it makes more sense. Overall an interesting topic with the most real world use you can get. Be sure to know the cases too! Good luck to you.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Best way to do this subject is your own study. Use lectures but also contribute to them and always read cases at length.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Lectures tend to go around in circles. Subject is easier to follow if you focus on the text rather than delivered materials.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014