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Authors: Peter Gerangelos, Nicholas Aroney, Simon Charles Evans, Sarah Louise Murray, Patrick Emerton, Adrienne Sarah Ackary Stone
9 months agoAuthors: Friedrichs, David
9 months agoAuthors: Allen Ivey, Mary Ivey, Carlos Zalaquett
9 months agoAuthors: Tim Prenzler
9 months agoAuthors: Hennessey Hayes, Tim Prenzler
9 months agoAuthors: Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn
10 months agoAuthors: Drew Westen, Lorelle J. Burton, Robin M. Kowalski
10 months agoAuthors: Lorelle Burton, Drew Westen, Robin M. Kowalski
10 months agoAuthors: Dennis Howitt
10 months agoAuthors: Emily Adler, Roger Clark
10 months agoAuthors: Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Colin Lewis-Beck
10 months agoAuthors: SCHILLING
10 months agoAuthors: Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Sarah Glozer, Laura Spence
10 months agoGriffith textbooks by subject area: