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Authors: Wortley, Richard
9 months agoAuthors: Tim Prenzler
9 months agoAuthors: Singleton, Aitkin, Jinks, Warehurst
9 months agoAuthors: Morris Hein, Scott Pattison, Susan Arena, Leo R. Best
9 months agoAuthors: Rick Churchill, Sally Godinho, Nicola Johnson, Amanda Keddie, Will Letts, Kaye Lowe, Michael Nagel, Jenny Mackay, Michele McGill, Julianne Moss
9 months agoAuthors: R. Reys
9 months agoAuthors: Diana Whitton, Katrina Barker, Jacqueline Humphries, Mary Nosworthy, Catherine Sinclair
9 months agoAuthors: Susan Duchesne, Anne McMaugh
9 months agoAuthors: Ainslie Lamb, John Littrich, Karina Murray
9 months agoAuthors: Ronet D. Bachman
9 months agoAuthors: Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah, Sandesh Sivakumaran, David Harris
9 months agoAuthors: Jacqueline Drew, Tim Prenzler
9 months agoGriffith textbooks by subject area: