Regression Modelling
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View all STAT2008 notesSTAT2008 Cheat Sheet/Summary (Comprehensive, One Page)
Fits as much as possible of the entire course onto two sides of one A4 page. Feel free to print this...
2 pages, 4793 words
STAT2008 Final Exam Cheat Sheet
A comprehensive, well organised, easy to follow cheat sheet with everything you will need to know go...
2 pages, 4291 words
STAT2008 Notes
Notes include weeks 1-12 lectures and include notes from the assigned readings of the textbook. Rele...
20 pages, 11220 words
Exam Cheatsheet 2018
SLR and MLR covered on pages 1 and 2 Practice exam questions, answers and R output on pages 3 and 4...
4 pages, 6387 words
Become a tutor for STAT2008Zhaoyu
$90 per hour
Mathematics & Statistics PhD Candidate | ANU Visiting Scholar | Data Competition Award Recipient | R...
Ian McDermid is a fantastic lecturer with a great note taking style, his notes for each lecture are 1-2 pages long as opposed to some courses where powerpoints go for 50+ slides. He is excellent at explaining the concepts brought up in the course and at demonstrating them to the student cohort in his lectures. This course was not as challenging as later statistics courses (I'm looking at you, STAT2001), however, it did require a decent time commitment as it was taught around the statistical package, RStudio. This requires that the student learn the proper codes and the workings of the program, especially since the assignments and the exam are essentially 100% based on the program. I would personally recommend that students keep on top of the RStudio learnings and, if they don't attend lectures, it is still essential to watch them on ECHO360 as Ian demonstrates multiple case studies with the use of RStudio. The final exam is an exercise in speed, the questions will not be too egregious if you've reviewed the lecture materials and the assignment answers. However, there will be a LOT of questions, so make sure you try to speed drill the past exams. In Summary: - For the Assignments: Make sure you try to collab between groups to get the best marks, the lectures provide the tools necessary to get the job done. - For the Final Exam: Make sure you review the lectures but also the assignment answers. The final exam will be quite long so make sure you have some level of speed to your answers.