Animal Physiology

Richard W. Hill, Daniel Cavanaugh, Margaret Anderson

For sale by Tori for $90

Comparative Physiology lecture notes

lecture notes from CP: summary of notes include: - principles of Physiology - respiration - circ...

112 pages, 16292 words

Comparative Physiology

Notes from Comparative Physiology

71 pages, 20000 words


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Rubbish subject, tutors are even worse. So unorganised, cancels practicals the morning of and content in the practicals is vital for major reports. Then these practicals get rescheduled for the following week with no consideration for the students who have a timetable clash. Probably the worst unit I’ve ever taken

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

The worst unit I've done thus far. The unit coordinator did not mark a single assessment all semester - everyone went into the final exam blind, not knowing what percentage they were sitting on. Weighting of assessments was uneven. Lecturer did not explain concepts clearly and could not care about individual students. Time for a change I think.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Hated the subject. It was way too hard, average grade was 51% ish. Lots of people failed. Teacher failed to give simple explanations for all the mumbo jumbo he talked about. Involved lots of mathematical problem solving and weird lab work, eg- urine excretion from cockroaches! LOOKS LIKE NOTHING CHANGED IN 2 YEARS! maybe needs a new lecturer to teach it!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Hated the subject. It was way too hard, average grade was 51% ish. Lots of people failed. Teacher failed to give simple explanations for all the mumbo jumbo he talked about. Involved lots of mathematical problem solving and weird lab work, eg- urine excretion from cockroaches!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2013