Programming Fundamentals
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** Your personalised Tutor at your Service ** I'm a PhD student who absolutely loves teaching and...
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I have graduated with Bachelor of ICT but I can still do online tutoring and provide help with pract...
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PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Accomplished academic and industry professional with a proven track record at...
Lots of fun! This course teaches the basics of programming using game-like coding software.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Doing this unit was time consuming and depressing. The tutor for this unit was Naomi Whitty as she clearly was not helpful at all. Don't bother with her, she is useless, hopeless, and undeserving its better saving your money. Any other tutor would be helpful for this unit than her for sure. This unit i would not recommend to anyone who do not like programming.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Easy Unit , focuses on the basics of the JAVA programming language and its general concepts are covered mostly in Clara Online with some barebone java alongside it makes a great elective for non computing students and a first year unit for the ICT courses in WSU
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Great unit for beginners in programming. Easy to get a great mark if you keep up with the 2 hour lectures each week and the practicals.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
It's a stress-free unit but the downside is the interface used to learn java called greenfoot, keeps you at a disadvantaged position with your peers in other uni.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
Easy unit and the program you will use for this unit has a nice User Interface which will makes it fun
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013
Really Easy unit. It's kind of like ,spot the difference' and you must understand the calculation process ( think like a computer)