The Accountant as a Consultant
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we offer expert tutoring across a diverse range of subjects and fields. Our team of experienced tuto...
this is a hard subject - but totally worth the effort
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
I did not like this unit at all. The tutor, Stanley gives no guidance whatsoever for the assignment (worth 60% of your grade btw!) nor the reflective journals. When you ask about the marking criteria, he tells you not to worry about limits or criteria even though he is supposed to mark based on this. Group work is once again the main focus of this unit because it's worked so well with other units (NOT!!). The textbook is useless and class prep work is not discussed in class.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
This was by far the best unit I've taken throughout my entire course. Pick team members who care, meet up a lot to discuss your project ideas and assign a group leader. Noor Lazar is a great lecturer!