Australian Property Law

BJ Edgeworth, CJ Rossiter, MA Stone & PA O’Connor

For sale by Kate for $30

Property Law Notes and Model answers

Comprehensive notes and model answers based on past exams

52 pages, 22440 words

Distinction Notes - 'Real Property Law'

Distinction Notes for 'Real Property Law' at Victoria University in Semester 1 2020. Includes Mod...

48 pages, 12761 words

Real Property law notes/model answer

Topics covered: -Indefeasibility -Common Law, Equity and the Priority Rules -caveats -Covenan...

50 pages, 27224 words


Extensive, complete notes for Real property law. Includes case summaries, legislation and how to...

81 pages, 9000 words

Real Property Law Notes

Real Property Law Notes Contents Introduction to Real Property Law 2 Torrens System: Indefeasibil...

19 pages, 10201 words

BLB2125: Real Property Notes

Covers: Adverse Possession Co-Ownership Indefeasibility (and Exceptions) Priorities Mortgages a...

39 pages, 20000 words

Distinction Real Property Law Notes

Very accurate, detailed and organised Real Property Law notes covering all content. All cases are hi...

38 pages, 16179 words


$25 per hour

Hi All! My name is Sam, and I am an expert tutor who will help you ace your assessments, whether the...


$50 per hour

Hi, my name is Leah and I am a practising lawyer. I graduated from Vic Uni in 2016 with first class...



Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

2 components for assessment: 1 assignment and 1 exam. Some students did not do well in the assg due to not understanding the topic question. I dissected the question with regard key elements. The outcome was a HD.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014