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Looks at each relevant week for the exam in detail. Could teach yourself the topic off these notes alone. Clear subheadings. Authorities are bolded. Divides the topics into what will be hypotheticals and what will be essays in the exam. I received a 95% for this exam and earnt the certificate for outstanding academic achievement (top of year) for this topic in 2020. Contents: Hypothetical: - Wk 4 Legal Personality, Statehood and Territory in International law * Personality, subjects of international law, elements of statehood, modes of acquiring territory, sovereignty, self-determination, secession, recognition. - Wk 5 Jurisdiction, Immunities and State Responsibility * Jurisdiction, Immunity, State responsibility, Attributability, Reparation, Defences, - Wk 6 The International Courts and Tribunals, International Arbitration and cross-border practice of law * peaceful settlement of disputes, judicial settlement. - Wk 7 International Use of Force * use of force rules, exceptions - Wk 9 Law of the Sea * UNCLOS, Zones, Dispute settlement, whaling. - Wk 11 International Criminal Law * Description/history, courts, international crimes. Essay: - Wk 8 International Trade Law Lecture * Lecture notes (definition, US led order), Reading notes - Wk 10 International Environmental Law and Climate Change * Lecture notes (subsections, concepts, development), Reading notes - Wk 12 Modern Technologies and Challenges in International Law in the 21st Century * Lecture notes (Drones, Space law), Reading notes Items within '' are direct quotes from the relevant source


Semester 2, 2020

36 pages

8,364 words



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