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These notes are extremely comprehensive and with them, I was able to achieve a distinction in the final examination. They are clear, well formatted and easy to follow and will provide you with a more in-depth understanding of the topic and legislation. Topics covered: 1. Comparative Business Structures 2. Corporate Regulation 3. Nature of Corporations & Registration 4. Pre-incorporation Dealings & Promoters 5. Internal Management & the Corporate Constitution 6. Relationship with outsiders & the Corporate Contracting 7. Directors' Duties 8. Share Capital Transactions 9. Membership 10. Members' Rights 11. Members' Remedies 12. Meetings 13. Corporate Equity Finance 14. Corporate Debt Finance 15. External Administration 16. Liquidation (Winding Up) 17. Voluntary Administration 18. Receivership 19. Summary Table: External Administration 20. Voidable Transactions


Semester 2, 2018

227 pages

90,092 words



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