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Detailed international banking and finance notes on every lecture and tutorial per week of semester, as well as additional tips. Includes a lot of example questions. This includes all 12 weeks of topics ranging from foreign exchange rates to future issues in international banking and finance. Notes include theory, formulas, diagrams and examples. Topics include intro to international banking, foreign exchange rates and their determinants, international monetary system, organisations and FX regimes, balance of payments and country risk analysis, foreign exchange markets, FX risk measurement and management, offshore debt financing, euro markets and IFC's, international equity markets and funds management, trade, payments systems, trade financing and countertrade, ethics, ESG lending and anti-money laundering, future issues in international banking and finance, and an overview of the units content.


Semester 1, 2018

103 pages

34,985 words



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Monash, Caulfield

Member since

June 2017