
Bear Connors Paradiso

For sale by Melanie for $70

NEUR3310: Neuroscience

Detailed lecture notes

45 pages, 30000 words

Neuroscience NEUR3310

Pharmacology Targets of Drug action: Neurotransmission Chronic Drug Administration Reinforcement...

29 pages, 9454 words


$65 per hour

Hi! My name is Olivia and I have just graduated from UWA with a Bachelor of Biomedical Science in N...


$25 per hour

** Few spots left for Term 2 2023** Are you in need of a friendly, reliable and professional tutor...


I liked this unit overall. Its quite content heavy but I've found it to be the most interesting neuroscience unit I've taken to date. There's a journal club article and three online mcqs throughout the semester. Overall lots of content but super interesting and the final exam qus aren't too hard if you've kept on top of the content (it is short answer)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

This was a rather stressful unit, that I believe should be renamed to "Neuropharmacology." 3 lectures/week that often went overtime and were filled to the brim with content that on its own is interesting, but the teaching style and assessments made it more stressful than anything else. There are no labs. Excluding the tests, which fortunately took questions from the practice quizzes, there is a report where there isn't much guidance on where to start or get through it and most of the time was just searching for the right resource. The exam is okay, short answer and essay questions that sounds intimidating but they are straightforward. This is a difficult unit, and you will have to put in a lot of effort in to get a HD.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

okay so biggest advice for this unit STAY ON TOP OF YOUR LECTURES! This unit has 3 on campus quizzes worth 30% so try to stay on top of the content as theres is a LOT of content in this unit. In addition, PRACTISE the practise quizzes, the lecturer tends to reuse some of the question from the practise quiz so really make sure you can answer those questions. To add on, there is a 30% report component, ngl this report was a PAIN. We were left with very little information on how to get around this report and honestly if it wasn't for my classmates I don't think I would have even submitted one. So make some friends and use any piece of information you get about the report (even info from the discussion board) to navigate yourself around it. As hard as this unit is I definitely think a distinction is reasonable, and if your able to maintain a high avg before the exam a HD is too!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Labs were really interesting get to lesion our own rat etc... as it will be neur students doing this one do some pharmacology in your own time before you commence this unit it will really help. The unit coordinator is an interesting fellow ...

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015