Australian Principles of Tort Law

Pam Stewart, Anita Stuhmcke

For sale by Jasmine for $80

Australian Principles of Tort Law

Pam Stewart, Anita Stuhmcke

For sale by Elly for $75

Australian Principles of Tort Law (4th Ed)

Pam Stewart, Anita Stuhmcke

For sale by Luca for $40

Australian Principles of Tort Law (4th Ed)

Pam Stewart, Anita Stuhmcke

For sale by Sophia for $60

Australian Principles of Tort Law (4th Ed)

Pam Stewart, Anita Stuhmcke

For sale by Sophia for $45

LexisNexis Case Summaries

Duncan Holmes

For sale by Alexander for $20

Australian Principles of Tort Law

Pam Stewart and Anita Stuhmcke

For sale by Ruby for $90

LexisNexis Questions and Answers

Tim Paine

For sale by Richelle for $30

Butterworths Casebook Companions: Torts

Mendelson, Danuta

For sale by David for $28


Duncan Holmes

For sale by David for $15

Torts Exam Notes

These are detailed notes, well structured and easy to read notes! Its literally everything you need...

54 pages, 27861 words


comprehensive notes, in scaffold format All topics covered: - Trespass to Person: Assault, Batt...

72 pages, 16558 words


Note: these scaffolds act primarily as a checklist for elements, relevant sections and cases. They d...

31 pages, 8590 words

High Distinction UTS Torts Notes

These comprehensive Torts notes are perfect for use in the tutorials, assignments and final exam. I...

46 pages, 21379 words

Torts (Distinction)

Clear and concise notes covering all topics in great detail: TRESPASS TO THE PERSON 2 TRESSPASS T...

35 pages, 10892 words

HD 70311 Torts Exam Notes

Comprehensive set of notes that covers all relevant materials and summarises Torts law perfectly. Ex...

97 pages, 39211 words

Complete Torts HD Notes (Spring 2017 - Latest Content)

Complete summary covering the entire Torts semester from beginning to end, including ALL relevant au...

34 pages, 10982 words


Comprehensive Torts notes - including case summaries and important legislation. Useful colour-coding...

157 pages, 83973 words

70311: Torts Final Exam Notes - Step-by-Step Guide to Answering Problem Question

An easy to follow, step-by-step guide to answering problem questions. It has relevant legislation, c...

55 pages, 21721 words

Torts: notes, elements and case summary

Ridiculously comprehensive notes to help you ace the final exam including CASE SUMMARIES (case name,...

100 pages, 37066 words


$100 per hour

Hi! I’m Claudia. I am a solicitor. I graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney in 2021...


$105 per hour

Hi there! I’m a final year Juris Doctor student at UTS with a distinction WAM of 79. Having studied...


$140 per hour

Hello! I am a Law (First Class Honours) and Forensic Science (Digital Forensics) graduate, and a...


$75 per hour

*Discounted Rates Offered for Groups* Law and Business tutor with 9 years tutoring experience and c...


$20 per hour

Test Prep, Assignment Assistance, Essay Planning, Proofreading I look forward to taking on privat...


$90 per hour



$48 per hour

Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...


I was nervous to do this subject when I saw the exam weighing was 60%. It is a subject full of extensive workload, however, it is soooo interesting. The tutor was a practicing lawyer so she made learning to be fun and engaging. Exam was tough but interesting.

Anonymous, Spring session, 2018

Torts was my third law subject at UTS and the most interesting so far. Torts, along with Crim Proc, is what you'd think law is about. You learn about the various duties of care owed by individuals, employers, public authorities, etc. to individuals, employees and the public. You will research very interesting cases, some of which date back to only a few years ago. You will have seminars dedicated to discussing the law of torts as well as answering problem questions. CP is 20% which will get doubled up and substitute the other mark you get for the research essay if you've done better in it. This mechanism is there to maximise your mark. Also a mechanism to allow you to completely ignore either CP or the essay and work hard on the other. There are about 100 cases which come up in the course but only a few will be of use in the exam. It would be a good idea to have a short summary for all cases for class discussion, and then about 20 out of all for the exam. These will be cases with significant ratios and legal concepts. The exam is open book with two problem questions. If the problem questions allows you to talk about many things you've learnedd you will be able to, provided you have good notes and have studied, achieve a distinction overall.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

A great and interesting subject by far and having one of the textbook co-authors, Pam, was one of the best experiences. Would love to have done more torts, by far one of the most interesting substantive law subjects.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

That note was really helpful. Thanks

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014