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The latest second hand business textbooks listed at USYD:
Authors: George Edward Belch, Michael A. Belch, Gayle Kerr, Irene Powell
4 years agoAuthors: Greg Elliott, Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, David Waller, Sandra Smith, Liz Eades, Ingo Bentrott
4 years agoAuthors: George Edward Belch, Michael A. Belch, Gayle Kerr, Irene Powell
4 years agoAuthors: Jeffrey D. Camm, James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann, David R. Anderson
4 years agoAuthors: Selvanathan, Antony
4 years agoAuthors: John V. Thill, Courtland L. Bovee
4 years agoAuthors: Gary M. Armstrong, Stewart Adam, Sara Marion Denize, Philip Kotler
4 years agoAuthors: Gary M. Armstrong, Stewart Adam, Sara Marion Denize, Philip Kotler
4 years agoAuthors: Shirley Carlon, Rosina Mladenovic-McAlpine, Chrisann Palm, Lorena Mitrione, Ngaire Kirk, Lily Wong
4 years agoAuthors: Gary M. Armstrong, Stewart Adam, Sara Marion Denize, Philip Kotler
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