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There are 10 topics in the course: 1 Basic Economics 2 Economics and Inequality 3 Economics and E...

44 pages, 20188 words

HD ECON1006 Full Noteset

Detailed noteset that covers all weeks content, from week 1-13, including all the research works. Th...

53 pages, 12856 words

ECON1006 Complete HD (95) Lecture Notes

Full semester's worth (11 lectures) of high-quality HD notes. These notes also include a brief summa...

29 pages, 10960 words


$15 per hour

Test Prep | Notes Preparation | Essay Planning I graduated from University of Sydney, where I ear...


$35 per hour

Hi there! I'm Marcus, a 4th year student studying a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double major in Fin...


Easy subject. Content is quite interesting, the lecturer can be a little boring but the guest lecturers were really good. Study the readings, get a decent group and you'll ace it

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Content is quite easy and interesting, covers a lot of aspects of how economics applies to the real world. Very good first year subject for economics and non economics students

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

Hectic subject. Make sure you do your readings for the exam as thats where the questions usually come from. Easy to do well in.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Very enjoyable subject and covers a wide variety of topics. Basically an introduction of many 3000 level economic subjects that you can pursue in the future. If you are very unclear and unsure of what route to take with economics then I highly recommend this unit as a starting point to indentify your interests

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Very easy subject especially if you are an econ major that does it in second or third year. Just be prepared to do all the group work as the first years are lazy, but you can definitely expect an 80+ grade for the unit.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

Robert (or 'Bob') is an engaging lecturer, and the topics we explored were interesting. We learn how economists think, game theory and some behavioural economics, as well as applying economic thinking to various topics like discrimination, gender, crime, development, ethics, the family, and the environment (negative externalities). Bob explains things very clearly, and I loved the clip art images used in his slides! My tutor Jeremy was great - he encouraged discussion in tutorials and knows how to think like an economist. He also offers a lot of support. There were two short quizzes, a mid term and a final exam. I'm so glad that we didn't have a group project (economists know very well about free-riding!) This class opened my eyes to see how economics is increasingly being used in other fields that we may not even think about. It is an awesome economics elective for anyone!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016