Business Law
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View all LAWS1100 notesLAWS1100 Final Exam Notes
- topics 4-14 - combines notes from textbook and lecture slides
79 pages, 23531 words
LAWS1100 Compiled Lecture Notes
These notes can be printed and taken into the final exam. It includes the whole semester worth of le...
82 pages, 24000 words
Lecture Content Quiz and Notes
The LAWS1100 lecture content notes that I have created has been divided between content for the mid-...
45 pages, 14000 words
Final Open Book Exam Notes
A combination of powerpoint and lecture notes, diagrams and textbook readings. The table of contents...
38 pages, 11584 words
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I'm a PhD candidate who loves to tutor and help my students ACE their assessments! Message me today...
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Hi! I'm Kelly, your personal tutor. I am a Deans Scholar, and currently in my penultimate year of my...
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RELIABLE-RESPONSIBLE-PATIENT-ACCESSIBLE [LIVE ZOOM] Looking for a friendly tutor who can help you...
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Hello!! I am Brinda, a Business Management graduate currently working as a marketer. I majored in Ma...
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Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...
amazing course!! Tim is very interactive, humorous and explains complex concepts in such a fun and simple way! The assignments are designed and curated to help you keep up with study materials consistently. This was the first subject where I did not spend exam preparation time watching 5 lectures in one night!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
amazing course!! Tim is very interactive, humorous and explains complex concepts in such a fun and simple way! The assignments are designed and curated to help you keep up with study materials consistently. This was the first subject where I did not spend exam preparation time watching 5 lectures in one night!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Tim is a great lecturer and explains the topics well. He gave a lot of hints as to what would be on the final which helped greatly as the exam is very long. It is imperative to prepare well (especially summarising all the cases mentioned and in the textbook so you can simply copy them down in the exam). Make sure to read the questions very carefully so you don't use the wrong area of law. Great course and very informative overall
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Course is structured in a way that it is relatively easy to pass if you pay attention. However, the content is dry and the lectures are boring - the lecturers just read off the slides and I ended up watching them online.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
A very easy subject to do well in if you have prepared well and are up to date with the content. Tutorials are very helpful in explaining the content learned plus easy marks for attending and preparing for the exercises. Mid sem and final exam are also very easy if you have prepared well. Definitely one of my favourite subjects I've completed.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
The tutorials for me were a waste of time (however I feel that was due to the tutor rather than the content). The subject was beyond easy!! Multiple choice mid semester exam and an open book final. Definitely make sure that you have substantial notes set out in a logical way and you will definitely do well on the subject! The final exam requires some practice beforehand simple because there's a lot of writing to be done in a short amount of time
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
tutorials were great and interesting by doing the case study.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Pretty easy subject unless you put in no effort at all. Content is basically common sense. Do tut activities for easy marks.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013
The first few weeks of the subject (up until the mid-sem exam) is basically all common sense. Both the mid-sem and final were open book (and really easy) which was awesome. I would think that unless you put in absolutely no effort at all, Business Law would be quite a difficult subject to fail.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014
I really enjoyed this subject, the lectures were quite boring my tutorials were great and very interactive