Full ECON 1101 notes

Full notes covering all the topics in ECON 1101. - Productive possibility curve - Perfectly comp...

22 pages, 4101 words

ECON1101 Notes - HD

Topics: 1. Comparative Advantage and the Basis for Trade 2. Supply in Perfectly Competitive Market...

24 pages, 24 words

Microeconomics 1 -ECON 1101

All the lectures are covered- Topics include: 1. PPC, CPC, Oppurtunity Cost 2. Supply 3. Demand...

18 pages, 2500 words


These are concise and comprehensive notes which can help you achieve an HD in ECON1101. They are fil...

43 pages, 8452 words


Comprehensive notes going through ALL material, including diagrams and graphs. Perfect for study....

18 pages, 4601 words

ECON1101 Full Course Notes (94, HIGH DISTINCTION)

Notes covering the ENTIRE ECON1101 course, including the final exam. Received a High Distinction wit...

21 pages, 4991 words

ECON1101 Notes| Easy DN!

Notes are neatly made, includes: - Contents table - Tabled definitions - Equations - Diagrams fr...

30 pages, 8629 words


Notes based on the prescribed textbook + lecture slides. HD NOTES that i made, and received a mark o...

32 pages, 10870 words

Econ1101 Notes - Refined (distinction)

Condensed notes, covering all topics required for Microeconomics for ease of learning.

19 pages, 5188 words

HD Notes For ECON1101

These notes have been compiled from information in tutorials, lecture slides, and the online textboo...

52 pages, 10781 words


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- free marks for playconomics so easy marks there - easy-to moderate to understand theories, more about understanding and practice > rote learning - Italian lecturer very fun guy but makes unnecessary perverted jokes - well thought-out put together course - no where interested in maths/economics but got 74

Anonymous, Term 1, 2020

Really good introductory course to begin your university life. Some basic concepts taught easily and thoroughly.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

This is a course for any student with any economic background. You don't have to be scared for not knowing any economics or business knowledge. You will essentially learn the things in this course. As long as you keep up with the contents and do all the tutorial questions for each chapter, you will be alright. The best thing about this course will be the playconomics game. This game might be confusing at the start but you can easily get on to it in a few days, it is literally free 20 marks which means you are already halfway towards passing!

Anonymous, Term 1, 2019

Love Playconomics

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

The game was confusing even till the last update. I just put in random values and it somehow worked out. You don't really need to go to lectures as the textbook usually explains things better anyway. Quizzes were were OK if you do the tute q. If you did eco for HSC you will have a huge advantage.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Fun and engaging intro to economics

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

Cannot express how much I hated this course. The lecturer I had was extremely boring & just repeated everything from the textbook. My tutor was pretty good. The playconimics game was AWFUL, they released it late & it continued to have issues, I found it really hard to use. It was so stressful knowing that part of my grade dependend on a game that wouldn’t even work. If you’re good at economics you might survive it but if not, DON’T CHOOSE THIS COURSE.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Pretty gross for a first year economics course. Would rather have actual tutorial questions that helped in the final exam. Since finals is all multiple choice dont let that fool you. You need to study!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Very easy to pass. Free marks for doing a game on economics. Lecturer (Alberto) is a very funny guy and engaging.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Playconomics game does not give you any practical knowledge. Final exam is certainly tricky and annoying

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017