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  • 1,489 subject notes at UNSW
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The latest notes at The University of New South Wales...

T3 2019 JURD7150 summarised, detailed DISTINCTION notes and cases. Take in to finals exam.

UNSW JURD7150 - Principles of Private Law

For Term 3, 2019


HD ACCT3601 Notes

UNSW ACCT3601 - Global Financial Reporting And Analysis

For Semester 2, 2017


BENV2938 Notes T3,2021

UNSW BENV2938 - Transport Planning

For Term 3, 2021


HD INFS1602 Notes

UNSW infs1602 - Managing Information Systems

For Semester 1, 2017


BEES2041: Data Analysis for Life and Earth Sciences - Full Course Notes

UNSW BEES2041 - Data Analysis for Life and Earth Sciences

For Semester 2, 2016


Complete Readings Business Associations Notes (LAWS1091)

UNSW LAWS1091 - Business Associations

For Term 1, 2020


PLAN1003 Notes T3, 2021

UNSW PLAN1003 - Urban Society, History, Theory

For Term 3, 2021


PHAR2011 Drug tables and additional notes

UNSW PHAR2011 - Introductory Pharmacology And Toxicology

For Semester 2, 2016


LAWS1160 Exam Summary Notes - HD MARK

UNSW LAWS1160 - Administrative Law

For Term 3, 2020


JURD7150 / LAWS1150 Principles of Private Law Exam Notes DISTINCTION

UNSW JURD7150 - Principles of Private Law

For Semester 1, 2016


DISTINCTION (82) - LAWS2385 Equity & Trusts concise exam outline

UNSW LAWS2385 - Equity And Trusts

For Term 2, 2019



UNSW crim2042 - Explaining Crime

For Term 2, 2019



UNSW MGMT1101 - Global Business Environment

For Term 3, 2020


Distinction-14-Page-FINAL EXAM NOTE for Crime2

UNSW laws1022 - Criminal Laws

For Semester 2, 2018


Comprehensive Criminal Laws Notes - Problem Question

UNSW JURD7122 - Criminal Laws

For Semester 1, 2018


BABS1202: Questions and Answer format notes

UNSW BABS1202 - Applied Biomolecular Sciences

For Semester 2, 2017



UNSW LAWS1160 - Administrative Law

For Term 1, 2019


Contract Law Final Exam Notes

UNSW LAWS1075 - Contracts

For Semester 2, 2016


FINS3666 - HD - Complete notes for finals

UNSW FINS3666 - Trading & Market Making

For Term 3, 2019


Comprehensive Notes for Public International Law (LAWS3381)

UNSW LAWS3381 - Public International Law

For Semester 1, 2015


High Distinction Typed Engineering Construction Notes

UNSW CVEN2101 - Engineering Construction

For Term 3, 2019


High Distinction Typed Engineering Operations and Control Notes

UNSW CVEN3101 - Engineering Operations and Control

For Term 3, 2019


UNSW notes by subject area: