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H1 POPH20001 Genetics Health & Society Summary Notes

These notes provide all the information needed to achieve an H1 in Genetics Health and Society! Pe...

36 pages, 19775 words

COMPLETE & DETAILED Genetics, Health and Society LECTURE & EXAM REVISION Notes (for H1)

Extremely detailed set of notes that helped me achieve H1 in this subject. Has ample revision for ex...

38 pages, 14478 words

POPH20001 Notes

Very detailed notes on every lecture taught. All important diagrams and charts explained alongside t...

85 pages, 16000 words

Summary notes

notes for each of the lectures

34 pages, 12907 words

Complete Lecture Summary Notes

Organised and summarised notes for key ideas of all lectures. Key knowledge for assessments also hig...

16 pages, 4659 words


$40 per hour

4 years experience tutoring unimelb subjects I Dean's Honour List (top 1.5% of the cohort) | WAM 90....


$60 per hour

Hello! My name is Nikka and I'm a final year medical student at the University of Melbourne....


$10 per hour

Exam Prep | Assignment Guidance | Essay Checking As a highly qualified tutor with a Bachelor's an...


An excellent and interesting subject which delves into the broader ethical, societal and legal aspects of genetics. Not only is the content covered in this subject useful for those pursuing a career related to health or genetics, but it was also relatively easy to score well in, provided that you take good lecture notes and attend the tutorials. The tutorials were quite useful as we go over exam-style questions related to a particular scenario, and there is also a formative assessment for which we can get personalised feedback from our tutor. The multiple-choice quizzes were straightforward and the group assignment wasn't too bad either, especially if you have a good group and are creative with your presentation. The exam had three sections; multiple choice, short answer questions and long answer questions. For the long answer section, there were 9 questions to choose from, but we were only required to answer 5 of them, so we could choose the questions we felt most confident in answering. Although the exam involved a lot of writing, if you put in the effort to learn the content throughout the semester, then you can do well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Definitely not a WAM booster as people make it to be. The quizzes were pretty difficult to do well, and make up quite a significant part of your final grade (25%). How well you do the group assignment heavily depends on your group members and if they are willing to put in effort into it; often people come in to this subject as a WAM booster, hence neglect the work that needs to be done to do well. Although the content at times were interesting, it is not an easy subject to score well in and for some people (like me), you will need to put lots of effort into this subject. I haven’t done the exam yet, but from the assessments so far, it is definitely not a WAM booster for me and I must now work hard to not flunk the exam to do a decent job in this subject. Regardless, I think you can still be able to do well in this subject, but don’t expect to not put effort into the subject and get a good mark because of it; you will need to work quite a bit and choose your group members wisely.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

3.5/5. This subject is pretty good. Although I dislike genetics, I found this subject manageable. The subject starts off with information about genes and inheritance, and quickly ramps up to genetic diseases. We also learnt about twins and twin studies, epigenetics (a hard lecture!), genetic tests, ethics, population genetic testing/screening, point of care genetic tests, genetics laws and art/disabilities. There's also a module about Bioinformatics which is stupidly hard and also assessed thoroughly so make sure you understand that!!! The quizzes are not too bad, but sometimes badly worded- advice: don't overthink it and go with the most obvious answers. The group project was very easy- you pick a novel/TV show/movie and do a presentation on it. My group got a 95 (be creative with your presentation!!!). The exam was very time rushed (2 hours for 120 marks!), but the marking was easy so its easy to score well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

I really loved this subject! Every week the lectures had a different theme and you got to learn about all kinds of different things related to genetics, from genetic testing to public health economics to legal applications and ethical dilemmas. The content was relatively easy and the tutorials were engaging, plus the group project was very easy to do well in and very fun. I would recommend that if you do this subject you have at least year 12 level biology knowledge, although they do provide students who have not done much science before with enough resources as to not be disadvantaged.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

A really interesting subjects that focuses on genetics and the relationship it has to other fields such as law, ethics and society. If you are at all interested in going into genetic counseling, this subject gives you a good perspective on the profession. The lecture content isn’t too heavy, except for maybe the first 2-3 weeks which focuses on the science of genetics (i.e learning about genes, DNA, mitosis, meiosis and epigenetics), but they can be understood once you work your way through them. If you’ve done genetics in first year/second year it won’t be a problem. The assessments are good too, you can definitely score well in the quizzes and for the final exam, they give you a practice exam and other practice resources. The tutorial discussions were really interesting as well. Highly recommend this subject!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Peter is a kind and friendly tutor. Subject is also decently interesting.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Really good subject! Highly recommended to anyone who has a content dense core subject! I watched lectures before each quiz and for the exam (did a day of preparation) and ended up with a really good mark!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Good chill breadth subject. Lectures vary from detailed science, to in depth law, to art/media where you just sit and listen to guest speakers. None of the topics are super in depth, except the law module and the early science lectures on reproduction/DNA, but nothing you can't handle coming from any discipline. The tutorials propose interesting scenarios to discuss, but the value of the tutorial comes down to the people in your tutorial. Assessments are all fair and its not difficult to do really well if you keep up with the work. Overall, really interesting subject that opened my eyes to genetics and provided lots of different viewpoints

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

topics were interesting but rather vague, as most of them only go into broader topics instead of focusing into the industry details.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Great subject. Provides you with a basic introduction to genetics as well as covering the legalities associated with the use of genetic material in testing and ownership in Australia. The subject is run well by coordinators who are friendly and always willing to help. Assessments consist of a group oral presentation and project which is nice because you get to work with your friends :) as well as 3 online quizzes (10MCQs per test and given ample time of 1 hour) and 2hr end of semester exam. Would definitely recommend. Easy H1 as long as you watch all lectures and participate in tutorials. Great way to boost your GPA :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017