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Comprehensive H1 Music Psychology Notes

A complete set of detailed notes covering all aspects of every lecture for all assessment quizzes (T...

128 pages, 50511 words

Music Psychology Notes

This includes 57 pages of detailed notes I wrote for each 2 hour lecture helped me achieve a score o...

57 pages, 10860 words


$60 per hour

University Teaching Associate & Academic Tutor | H1 WAM | 5+ years experience tutoring Hi everyon...


$50 per hour

Hi! I completed my undergrad at Melbourne, majoring in Psychology and Criminology. Have also comple...


$50 per hour

Dux and experienced tutor offering help to excel in your FINAL EXAMS. I offer packages to help you p...


$65 per hour

H1 WAM | 4+ years in arch office in Melb, Adl and Syd | Employed UniMelb tutor | Master of Arch grad...


$60 per hour

MMI TUTORING AVAILABLE SPOTS Hello! My name is R.M I’m a previous Bachelor of Biomedicine gr...


$60 per hour

Hello everyone! My name is Jan, and I have recently completed a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree...


$55 per hour

Essay Proofreading | H1 WAM | Masters of Clinical Psychology Graduate | Clinical Psychologist Regist...


$50 per hour

🧠 Bachelor of Psych | Master of Biomed (Neuro) | Online/ In-person | 10+ years tutoring experience...


$10 per hour

Exam Prep | Assignment Guidance | Essay Checking As a highly qualified tutor with a Bachelor's an...


$80 per hour

Hello! My name is Heidi and I am currently studying the Doctor of Medicine and am in my third yea...


Great subject. Not too difficult, easy to get a H1. Well organised.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Did this in 2020 (aka the new study design, I think reviews from 2018 and below may be based on a different study design?). This subject is pretty chill due to low number of hours needed in it. You have weekly MCQ tests based on lectures but sometimes these felt more like reading comprehension tests than actual tests of the content. Still can score well in them though. Kat did a practise tutorial for the final assignment each week, so if you just watch all of these (I crammed them 2 weeks before the assignment), you get a really good feel for what they’re looking for. It can be a bit hard though because there was no sample essay. The coordinators do live Q and A sessions to answer your assessment questions though which were really helpful. I would take this subject again, but that said the content didn’t feel super applicable and I didn’t learn as much as I normally do in other subjects, but it’s not a bad breadth if you want something low in hours. Wouldn’t say it’s an easy H1 but possible for sure, just use all of the resources and go the the Q&As.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Yeah I'm not a fan of this subject. Only reason I'd say Music and Health is a better subject is because I got a H1 straight up. It's just such a waste of time and money doing subjects for WAM, don't even bother. Put some effort into a halfway useful subject and you'll be immensely more satisfied at the end.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

if i could turn back time and choose a different breadth to do, i would. content is dry and they expect you to write about music psychology like you've dedicated half your life to it. final assignment is difficult, even if you follow the content throughout the semester. not sure if this is just my semester but they were so technical about the final essay, expecting too much.. if you're only thinking about doing this subject for a wam booster, don't. LOL only got h2b worst subject of my semester xo

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

A sure H1 subject that also offers good insight about the links between music and psychology that you'll be able to apply to real-life scenarios! :) win-win situation!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

One of the most enjoyable and relaxed subjects I have done. The content was fascinating and I found that I could apply some of the things I had learned to real-life scenarios. Assessments were straightforward and easy and the lecturers were generally great and passionate about what they were teaching. Definitely a must-do for those interested in music and/or psychology.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

This subjects sucks, the quizzes suck and the final assignment asks you to to write a 'scientific/academic' essay on pretty much how music is good for you. Jen Bibb literally butches the seminar where she explains the final assignment too lol. The final assignment is literally the most subjective bs with no rubric where you have to gas up music and say nice things about it so that the teachers/staff (musicians I'm assuming) feel better about themselves. Also, none of the available research has any substantive results so anyone with any scientific background or knowledge can't back this stuff up enough to write academically on it. It's like having to write a scientific research report on something Arts related - yuck. Also, your girl got 47 in VCE English and 80 on the Gamsat's S2. So, she can hang with any of the top Arts students when it comes to essay writing too mhmmm but even then got an atrocious score on the final assignment probably because the marker didn't like me.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Went into the subject thinking the quizzes were going to be a breeze. Not sure if they changed some of the questions but some of the quizzes were hard to score high marks in so had to end up working really hard in the final assignment to secure my H1. Definitely listen to the lecturers instead of just answering the quizzes based on the slides because a lot of questions are based on what the lecturers say. Overall, content is quite interesting and definitely would recommend if you're looking to get a H1.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Interesting, light during semester, assignment light compared to other subjects. Try to do well in the online tests because as usual, it's hard to get h1 in assignments. H1 definitely achievable though, I got 81

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

The content in this subject is quite interesting and it sort of broadened the way I think about music. :) Though the final assignment is not too difficult, don’t leave it till the last minute as it can get really stressful especially when you have final exams as well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018