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INFO90002 Database Systems & Information Modelling Notes

History of Data Processing Overview of Relational Databases Advantages of Relational Databases vs....

19 pages, 8000 words

INFO90002 - Database System & Information Modelling - H1 Note

Notes for INFO90002 covered from week7 to week12, which are all the theory parts of the final exam....

15 pages, 3678 words

40+ pages of detailed INFO90002 Summary!!

Detailed INFO90002 notes from semester 1 2017 No need to type your own notes!! This subject is al...

43 pages, 9428 words


$75 per hour

I am a gradute from University of Melbourne, with Bachelor of Commerce, Major in Actuarial Studies a...


$65 per hour

My teaching style varies widely and is catered to the needs of the students. I take my time in ident...


Lectures were very easy to understand and well taught. But because lecturer talked in the same tone, you might want to sleep. Be sure, final exam little bit tough because you have draw ER model and to answer other questions.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

The lecturer was not very passionate even though the lecture slides were useful and clear

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015