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I loved this subject as an elective for my French major. Every lecture followed the same structure which was very nice, and there were a few guest lectures throughout to break it up. During the lecture, we covered some translation techniques, idiomatic expressions, and an explanation of the 'warm-up' translation that we had to do prior to the tutorial. The tutorials were very well-structured and we would go through the idiomatic expressions, the warm-up translation, and then do another translation in groups. We covered many different domains of translation which was nice to get an idea of how it was applicable in the real world. The assessments included three in-class translation tasks and a final translation project. We had sufficient time to prepare for each in-class task and the structure was very clear. For the final project, we could pick any text that we liked, which was a nice way to allow students to focus on an area of interest.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022