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the workload is too much and you're pretty much drawing on your own, very little learning material. don't recommend if you are not into drawing already

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

DON'T TAKE THIS AS A WAM BOOSTER!!!! The workload is insane and pretty much consumes most of your time and energy. You need to be good in art and actually enjoy it as the tutors favour those who are good at drawing. If you're a beginner and just taking this subject as a filler or wam booster, then don't!!!!!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Insanely intensive, I guess as its intensive name suggests. I draw/paint a little, but that didn't help because the requirements for each project were very specific and most of the days were pencil work anyways. Didn't receive a lot of practical guidance and the workload was extreme, you really can't have much else happening in your life around the time you do this if you are doing it as a summer/winter subject. I was so so excited for it, and left stressed and a bit disappointed. I did get into a bit of a groove in the last two days of class, but man were the 4 days leading up to that long and hard and painstaking. I would avoid generally unless you really really love art and probably already draw plants often, like pencil work as well as watercolour, and do it in the semester

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Not very enjoyable, professor seemed wanting to down score students so everyone don't take it as an easy breadth...small classroom and packed, not much guidance but do expect to be decently good, don't attempt if you're not already into drawing.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

I did this subject as a January intensive as a breadth and it was a really great way to do something that I otherwise wouldn't have studied. It was very fast-paced considering the course only lasted a week and there wasn't always enough time to complete the tasks each day, so they tended to roll over to the next day. We did a different style of drawing each time, and for someone who had no previous experience with drawing or visual art, the tutors explained everything very well and made me feel like I could make decent attempts at all the tasks. Most days we would have a short morning meeting for 30 mins to an hour, did our tasks, then had an afternoon meeting that normally lasted an hour where we would go through any questions or challenges we were having. There were videos to watch to practise each technique which were all very clear. The marking was primarily based on the level of effort you put in to each technique, rather than your ability, which was very encouraging for someone with minimal drawing experience. The folio was very fun to create and I ended up being very proud of some of the work that I produced throughout the few weeks. Would highly recommend as a breadth!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

I did this subject during the Winter intensive following Semester 1. I enjoyed this subject. I found the lecture topics to be really interesting and I loved learning about the different techniques. It is quite overwhelming doing the intensive, and you really have to stay on the ball during the week of zoom classes, and to also keep the pace up with the following week given for assessment. My tutor was really sweet but he provided quite vague daily feedback, and sometimes was forgetful (sometimes he'd say he'd come back to my work and give me more pointers, but never did, even when I followed up?), which made it a bit difficult in terms of editing my work and reattempting certain pieces later on. That being said, it is literally just 2 weeks of sitting outside in the sun and drawing and painting, so I did enjoy it. It's more important to show your engagement with the material (in my experience) and your thought processes through your visual diary, then your actual art abilities (I think it was worth only 15% of your overall grade) - as long as you're showing this deeper engagement, and the further research you've done, you'll be fine for this subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

I did this subject during the Summer term as an intensive breadth subject. It was super enjoyable and I was able to notice my art skills improving throughout the intensive track. I highly recommend taking this subject for people who enjoy art but didn't have the opportunity to enrol in the faculty of fine arts. My tutor was so helpful and very patient. The content was well organized and you definitely get the most out of the short intensive. The final assignments (folio and essay) were not too bad as long as you give yourself time to start early. Showing engagement and putting work into this subject is definitely most important if you want to get a H1.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

If you are looking for a fun, art breadth subject, pick this ! One of the best subjects I have done at uni. I did it as a summer subject, and in the week of classes we had I learnt so many skills - like how to do watercolour and sketching. The lectures were quite interesting - helped with the essay we had to do. The tutors were so helpful. All the activities we did were very relaxed and enjoyable (like drawing in the garden). Most days were comprised of getting out our sketchbooks and drawing for the whole day which was fun. When it came to the final folio, we had flexibility in what we could do (like choosing what type of drawings we wanted to do). Got to experiment and draw/collage/paint any botanical subjects. The essay we had to complete was not too bad - it was analysing two botanical paintings in less than 1000 words I believe. Overall, it was a super fun and relaxed subject- also able to get a H1 in it :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020