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Semester 2 2017 - H1 grade - ENEN20002 Earth Process For Engineers

The summary of every week in the easiest way to understand concept of this subject.

36 pages, 8819 words

ENEN20002: Earth Processes for Engineering - Complete Course Summary

Complete course summary of the subject 'ENEN20002: Earth Processes for Engineering'

46 pages, 15642 words


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The subject is almost like two completely different subjects combined. It has two sets of lecturers and tutors. The second lecturer makes the subject sound so boring. However, the tutors Nav and Carmen made the subject bearable so make sure you go to their classes as they are fantastic! Overall, assignments are marked well and the exam is tough, but a H1 is possible!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

The subject is divided into two halves, the first is about climate and rainfall modelling, the second half is about soil stuff. The content itself is fine, and the tutors are pretty good. But the lecturer for the soil characterisation and mechanics is horrible. So difficult to understand what she is saying, and to follow the slides. It actually drives me mad when I listen to the lectures. The worst part is the assignments. Assignments 1 and 2 are about rainfall and catchment modelling. The rubrics were insanely unclear, and the expectation was simply ridiculous. Even after following exactly what is required in the assignment brief and the rubric, they still think it wasn't detailed enough. If this wasn't a pre-req I would never recommend this subject.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

From the name, you may assume that this subject is about earth - as in dirt - but you're only half right. Half of the entire subject is about weather and climate, which was interesting to learn about but it's hard to see how it's relevant in some instances. The assessed part of that content is pretty useful though, as you learn the ins and outs of Excel through the modelling of a catchment system. After a short interjection of tectonics, the rest of the subject is about soil and soil mechanics which was more along the lines of what I expected. Most, if not all of it, will be new. The lecturer at the stage was very boring but the content will be relevant in later subjects.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020