Electrical Device Modelling
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$80 per hour
Final year PhD! Recently submitted my PhD thesis! Earned a Master’s degree with an average of 87 in...
$90 per hour
PhD student in Electrical Engineering, MSc and BSc in communication systems. I have taught more tha...
Content is very rigorous but the assessments aren’t as much - except for the labs. Easily the most stressful unit I did but you get the hang of it when you start doing the labs and problem sets. Even though past exams don’t come with answers, they’re quite doable and a very important tool to ace this subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021
Tough subject that requires serious self-direction and is easily the most difficult of the third year Electrical Systems cores. It goes into how various circuit component actually work and their limitations. The lecturer is helpful and explains things well, but you really need to do a whole lot of extra research and study to understand the required content and pass the exam. Also don't forget the fundamental electricity knowledge from Physics 2, as this is fair game in the exam and test even though the subject doesn't explicitly touch on it. Also surprised Vector Calculus or at least Engineering Maths isn't a prerequisite as it's definitely required knowledge.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Requires a lot of work to be done on your own, i.e, through web, study-groups, consults. Take every opportunity to ask questions in workshops, lectures and consults. This subject is to be taken seriously, it's probably the hardest I've seen so far.