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The content was fairly interesting but I found that a lot of the lectures were either unclear, slow, or essentially copy-pasted from the textbook (basically just dot points of key words from the textbook that didn't even make logical sense). The first and last pracs, which were the wet labs were quite enjoyable - for the first we dissected a fetal pig and then watched a dissection of a stillborn pig, and the last we cut up a section of a pig to weigh the different parts (fat, muscle, bone, skin, etc.). The other 3 labs weren't particularly exciting though - we did get to use some equipment (e.g. we did an ECG in the circulation prac) but it was basically a lot of reading data from a graph from a computer that barely worked, and then doing a multiple choice quiz a week later on the data. The lecture quizzes were all MC and had questions that were generally easy enough to find in the notes, but there were quite a few questions that the coordinators ended up changing the answer to because the options weren't clear or were the answer they had said was correct was actually wrong, which was a bit of a pain (although good if we got extra marks!). The exam wasn't unbearable - a few of the multiple choice questions were repeated from previous years, although the short answer questions were quite long (we had to choose 6 out of 8 questions to answer that were all worth 15 marks). Overall, the actual content was decent but it wasn't necessarily always presented well...

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Honestly the content was pretty interesting but I was really reliant on external sources like YouTube to understand the content because I just didn't really vibe with Peter's explanations (he takes about 80% of the content). I was only able to do practice 1 (pig foetus dissection) which was super interesting but the online pracs were quite boring and long. I definitely preferred ZOOL20006 if you need an animal physiology subject as it's really hard to do well on this exam (90 marks are all 15 mark questions most of which were broad and open ended rather than broken down into parts). I don't regret doing it and still scraped a H1 but I definitely found ZOOL20006 to be easier to understand and do well in as the feedback on assessments really helps you improve.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020