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Global Foundations of Design H1 Full notes

Condensed weekly lecture notes: simple and straightforward ideas laid out in dot points. L1 The L...

34 pages, 8857 words

Exam Notes

Covers key buildings from lectures and tutorials with annotations of important details, themes and s...

45 pages, 4723 words

gfod exam prep 2019 ver

At this point (swotvac), I am sure you are not willing to read a whole lot of long paragraphs/notes...

58 pages, 5983 words


Global Foundations of Design 24 lectures from week 1-12 notes with relevant pictures to reference f...

99 pages, 20420 words

Foundations of Architecture Exam Prep Notes

Relied only on these notes for my exam. Simple to read and concise and detailed format of informa...

37 pages, 2751 words


$50 per hour

Dux and experienced tutor offering help to excel in your FINAL EXAMS. I offer packages to help you p...


$35 per hour

I completed my Bachelor of Design from the University of Melbourne in 2022 and recently finished my...


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


$1 per hour

Dean's Honours Master of Architecture and Construction Management from the University of Melbourne,...


ABPL20055 now, a level 2 class. This is my favourite class I've done so far! Unless you're an architecture student who has to do the class, I'd recommend to only do it if you're interested in history and confident in essay writing. Lots of my friends struggled with the amount of content each week, and didn't do very well in some of the assignments, but I thought it was a breeze and the 2 hour lectures flew by tbh. If you're fast at writing notes, I'd recommend you handwrite them, just because that's what I did and I think it helped me retain information and not fall asleep during the lectures. Philip is an amazing lecturer, and the assignments aren't too hard or too much work (but don't do this subject at the same time as MoMo-to-PoMo!!! I've heard some pretty terrible stories). There are weekly discussion posts to do, but it's basically a participation grade and they don't assign any on weeks that other things are due. Quizzes/exams are online and at home now, so super chill.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

It's now code ABPL20055. It covers a lot of history, most of which is genuinely interesting. The readings are far, far too many -- sometimes more than ten a week, and each one quite long. I don't think you're seriously expected to do every single one, just skim them when they're needed for a discussion response. Important to note: there's no exam now, I think in its place are two 45-minute quizzes and a whole bunch of short discussion board posts. The written assignments give you plenty of practice with Chicago. It was a good break from my other subjects.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

This was a really great subject! I did this as breadth because I was interested in architecture and history and wanted to know what the combination of those two resulted in. I found the essay surprisingly enjoyable even though I honestly had no idea about 4th and 5th-century churches before taking the class. The exam that I took was very similar to past exams, with the recycling at least a couple of questions between past papers. My only critique is that there was quite a bit of information to recall during the exam and getting a good tutor can be a bit hit or miss.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Great subject. Loved learning about historical buildings and sites. Phillip was a fantastic lecturer that was engaging, and spoke in clear and well-paced manner. He would also spell out certain words for us too. Just make sure to stay on top of the lectures. Readings for tutorials are interesting, but it's a lot and it's just better to skim read before the tute.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Incredibly fast paced and fascinating subject, you always walk out of lectures with new knowledge and ideas. If you stay on top of readings (which can be long) and know your buildings well, you’ll do great. Very fair exam if you’ve done the work (no tricks or convoluted questions). Highly recommend even if you’re not studying architecture as this is basically a history subject through an architectural lens. Start making a table of buildings from day one (name, date, architect and key ideas)!!!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

This a an awesome subject, especially as breadth. The content is really interesting and the assessments are really relevant to the skills you need to have and the buildings you need to know. The site visits were a lot of fun and the tutors are super nice, especially Renne. Would defiantly recommend to all design and non design students. Just make sure you keep up to date with the definitions and do lots of revision for the exam.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

5 Stars - but probably would get hold of building list early and study them week by week

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Absolutely loved Phillip Goad's lecturing style. He is engaging, motivating and makes learning history exciting! He is a wonderful contribution to the university's staff

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

Great subject for who intent to major in architecture. The trick to nail the exam is going through the past exam paper and double check its solutions with lectures and tutorials. The subject guide given at the begining of the semester should be treated as bible and review before coming to lecture and tutes and extremely handy when it comes to fore-study or revision. For the assignments are about your reseach and writting skill since u are expected to manage select ideas and agurments through many books so time management is crucial (the assignments are quite dissapointed for me as well so i don't really have other advice). Overall, this subject is highly recommended and fairly interesting in exploring the ideas of looking at history through architecture

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016