City West campus Change campus
45,442 members at Uni. of South Australia
FluffyTanCow - 22 hours ago
On City West campus

Checking avatar

CandidCrimsonDeer - 3 months ago

Merged with the drink machine

CandidCrimsonDeer - 3 months ago

Merged with the snack machine

DeadlyRedDog - 10 months ago
On City West campus

Where are the printers at city west campus?

SweetNavyPenguin - 5 months ago

At Jeffry smart in the library. Level 03.

FierceLilacCow - 11 months ago

What floor is this

SaltyCyanSheep - 11 months ago
On City West campus


MischievousPinkBuffalo - 11 months ago
On City West campus


ScalyAzurePanda - 1 year ago
On City West campus

Hi, if anyone needs help with statistics, data analysis (SPSS, STATA, R Studio, and Excel feel free to contact me.

DopeyYellowHedgehog - 1 year ago
On City West campus


LovableAquaHorse - 1 year ago
On City West campus


YoungSilverTiger - 1 year ago
On City West campus

Whose going into communication design?

ViciousJadeBunny - 1 year ago

W dw

NoisyTanDuck - 1 year ago

I am!! 😋

SmartOrangeRhino - 1 year ago
On City West campus


BeautifulAquaDuck - 1 year ago
On City West campus

Good luck to the 2023 crew

ViciousLilacCow - 1 year ago
On City West campus


SleepySlateDuck - 1 year ago
On City West campus

Android users can't get the apple discount 🥲

GreatBronzePuppy - 1 year ago
On City West campus


JoyfulRedBee - 2 years ago
On City West campus


CraftyChartreuseFrog - 2 years ago
On City West campus


CharmingMaroonHamster - 2 years ago

what what

CharmingMaroonHamster - 2 years ago
On City West campus


AdorableAmberBuffalo - 4 years ago
On City West campus

Does anyone have any note taking tips for combining textbook notes, lecture and tutorial notes into one?

BashfulRoseKangaroo - 2 years ago

Also new one note page for each topic

BashfulRoseKangaroo - 2 years ago

I use one note and make a new notebook for each course and a new section for lectures, one for textbook, one for tutorials and one for vocabulary. Do exercises in word or your hard copy notebook

BashfulRoseKangaroo - 2 years ago

Go in order of how the course material goes, you might put a yellow mark at the top of your page if it’s lecture notes, a blue mark for textbook, red for workshop and green for tutorials. Be sure to keep your courses separate :) :)

SaltySlatePig - 2 years ago
On City West campus

Hey. Does anyone know where some light boxes for tracing is at uni SA west campus that can be used whenever?

BashfulRoseKangaroo - 2 years ago

Fourth floor of JS? Or 5th floor? Can’t remember which but I do recall seeing a couple on one of the floors by the lifts last year

FancyCeriseCat - 2 years ago
On City West campus

Anyone have the University Studies Textbook

GreatPurpleGoat - 2 years ago
On City West campus

Anyone doing business ISM?

SlowMaroonTiger - 2 years ago
On City West campus


CandidRubyHippo - 2 years ago
On City West campus


GrumpyGoldMonkey - 3 years ago
On City West campus

I'm only writing this so I can see my avatar

BashfulRoseKangaroo - 2 years ago


FriendlyGreenCow - 3 years ago
On City West campus

anyone doing accounting or business finance ?

BashfulRoseKangaroo - 2 years ago


SaltySlatePig - 3 years ago
On City West campus

I'm doing mid year entry uni is anyone else?

BashfulRoseKangaroo - 2 years ago


SaltySlatePig - 3 years ago


AdventurousEmeraldHamster - 3 years ago


BraveGoldDeer - 2 years ago
On City West campus

Anyone starting Bachelor of Design and Marketing mid year? :)

SweetYellowFox - 3 years ago
On City West campus

How do y'all adjust to long periods of time like 10 am to 7pm on campus?

PeacefulMaroonPuppy - 3 years ago

I head to the library and do readings, catch up on other subjects etc, with catch up lunch with friends and a coffee break or three.

SweetYellowFox - 3 years ago

Sadly I have to I got tutorials all day

DrunkJadeLion - 3 years ago

I simply don’t go

SpikeyHeliotropePuma - 3 years ago
On City West campus


SnazzyNavyPuma - 3 years ago
On City West campus


LoudAmberCamel - 3 years ago
On City West campus


DopeyNavyCat - 3 years ago
On City West campus


WittyVioletDuck - 3 years ago
On City West campus


FriendlyGreenCow - 3 years ago
On City West campus


DangerousCeriseDuck - 3 years ago
On City West campus


FerociousTurqoiseRhino - 3 years ago
On City West campus


AdorableAmberBuffalo - 4 years ago
On City West campus

Wanting to see my avatar

AdorableAmberBuffalo - 4 years ago

😂 was not expecting that lol

MintyLimeHen - 4 years ago
On City West campus

Are you excited to go back?

MachoChartreuseOctopus - 4 years ago
On City West campus

What are your plans for the we?

ViciousMagentaZebra - 4 years ago
On City West campus


WildAmberTiger - 4 years ago
On City West campus

Who’s going to O-week next Wednesday 🥺

ColorfulAmberDeer - 5 years ago
On City West campus

what do you want to tell all first-years, so we arent as annoying?

SmallSilverHamster - 4 years ago

If you don't have internet at home or if you're bad at taking notes, download the lectures from the uni home page. Even to help you with revision before a test.

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

If studying business. Business hub. Uni West.

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

Look for people wearing mentor shirts. That's it job to help first years find out about what's on uni and we're looking where to go to get help

RoughSlateDuck - 4 years ago
On City West campus

Should I have read week ones readings for week one or during week one? Sorry for a stupid question am a first yr

MischievousMaroonGiraffe - 4 years ago

Best thing is to not do them

ItchyRoseBuffalo - 4 years ago

Hey, I found with readings it is better to do them before the tutorial of each week e.g week 1s readings before week 1 tutorial. Although, don't stress if you haven't done this weeks as I believe the first few weeks will be to help you settle in

SlowCoralLion - 4 years ago
On City West campus

Where’s the best cafes that sell heaps of yummy vegetarian food on campus xx

MachoMagentaBoar - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Stream Shallow by Lady Gaga for good grades and clear skin

QuirkyCyanHedgehog - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Places to charge phones?

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

Uni library Student lounge USASA office

ColorfulAmberDeer - 5 years ago

USASA office, student hub

ItchyRoseBuffalo - 5 years ago
On City West campus

How to keep motivated to go to my classes on a different campus?

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

Think of it as an outing. Something new to explore.

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

Think of it as an outing. Something new to explore.

SoggyYellowLion - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Best coffee around??

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

Jamaica Blue cafe

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

Jamaica Blue cafe

ItchyTanSnake - 5 years ago
On City West campus

where is the place to explore? (Secret place)

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

Japanese garden. South Park lands

ItchyTanSnake - 5 years ago
On City West campus

where is the place to explore? (Secret place)

FuzzyChartreusePuma - 5 years ago
On City West campus


FuzzyChartreusePuma - 5 years ago
On City West campus


FierceTealSheep - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Anyone else starting on monday?

BrilliantTealFrog - 5 years ago


PeacefulRoseFrog - 5 years ago
On City West campus


PeacefulRoseFrog - 5 years ago
On City West campus


PickyYellowGiraffe - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Needfinding observation...

ViciousCoralPenguin - 5 years ago
On City West campus

When and where do we get books from?? Does anyone know? Plz help!!

ViciousCoralPenguin - 5 years ago

Thanks for that!

TameRedFox - 5 years ago

Coop at uni. I'd try here even though it's a bit more expensive. Or Booktopia Book depository These take 7 days to get to you. Mostly free postage.And books cheapet

ViciousCoralPenguin - 5 years ago

Thank you!! 🙏🙏

SassyMikadoReindeer - 5 years ago

If you’re referring to textbooks, you should get them before your courses begin. You may purchase new ones from the UniSA’s supply store (can’t remember the name), purchase cheap second-hand ones through USASA or contact people through Facebook groups online who are selling their old textbooks as well.

NakedPinkCow - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Hey!!! 👋

NakedPinkCow - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Hey!!! 👋

SoftCeriseReindeer - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Does anyone know if there are any decent bubble tea places close to the uni?

LovingNavyHamster - 5 years ago

I would suggest bobaz t. it's a small walk from the city West campus, and they've got a nice collection. plus flavor of the month for $5 for large

GrumpyTealZebra - 5 years ago

Good question 😁 I know there are a few around UniSA but last I checked, I favourited Myer Centre, Ground Floor (Food Court) & Central Markets (just off Gouger) they are not super close BUT if you happen to be in the area check them out 😁

JollyGreyLion - 5 years ago
On City West campus


ViciousCoralPenguin - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Is anyone starting pharmacy honours with me, at university SA on the 4th??

SassyMikadoReindeer - 5 years ago
On City West campus


PlayfulTanReindeer - 5 years ago
On City West campus


NimbleCrimsonPuppy - 5 years ago
On City West campus


EagerRedRam - 5 years ago
On City West campus

Ya yeeet

JoyfulGoldBee - 5 years ago
On City West campus

What’s the best feature you guys love about the campus??

SmileyNavyOctopus - 5 years ago
On City West campus


EnergeticRoseGiraffe - 5 years ago
On City West campus


RoughSilverPanda - 5 years ago
On City West campus


GrumpyTealZebra - 5 years ago
On City West campus

👋 Hi Everyone!

SmartOrangeBadger - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Anyone know where the best healthiest smoothies are around uni?

WittyYellowPig - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Hello people

FriendlyYellowCroc - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Hey everybody Bam Bam bam

FriendlyYellowCroc - 6 years ago
On City West campus


FeistyGoldCamel - 6 years ago
On City West campus


SpikeyAmberCow - 6 years ago
On City West campus


CleverChartreuseKangaroo - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Well this is strange

NiceRubyHorse - 6 years ago
On City West campus


MischievousMaroonGiraffe - 6 years ago
On City West campus

How bigs your barbecue

MachoMagentaBoar - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Buy reputation by Taylor Swift on iTunes today!

SoftAquaCroc - 6 years ago

I’m going to her Melbourne concert

SoftAquaCroc - 6 years ago

Fellas Taylor swift is god

MachoMagentaBoar - 6 years ago

I wanna go but she’s not coming to Adelaide :((( might go in Melbourne. are you??

FriendlyYellowCroc - 6 years ago


FeistyHeliotropeHippo - 6 years ago

KP all the way!!

MachoMagentaBoar - 6 years ago


FriendlyYellowCroc - 6 years ago

Are you a Swiftie?

FancyRoseWolf - 6 years ago
On City West campus


CandidMaroonDog - 6 years ago
On City West campus


FeistyHeliotropeHippo - 6 years ago
On City West campus


SpikeyMaroonOctopus - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Hey. Hey hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

EnergeticAzureCroc - 6 years ago
On City West campus


SmartMaroonLion - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Where is the student service desk?

PassionateNavyPig - 6 years ago
On City West campus

How was everyone’s first day

HappyYellowGoat - 6 years ago

It was ight

GracefulGoldElephant - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Good morning

FeistyHeliotropeHippo - 6 years ago

Well good afternoon

FeistyHeliotropeHippo - 6 years ago


PassionateNavyPig - 6 years ago
On City West campus

I don’t know where the entrance is for BH2-09

PassionateNavyPig - 6 years ago

Thank you

SoftChartreuseCamel - 6 years ago

Did you go to starting strong workshop 2? If so it's in the same place, otherwise there's a courtyard type thing between BH building and the yungondi building, go down there, staying outside on ground level, it's along there :)

FastBronzeKoala - 6 years ago
On City West campus


SmileyNavyPuma - 6 years ago
On City West campus


MischievousMikadoPuma - 6 years ago
On City West campus


BossyMagentaLion - 6 years ago
On City West campus


DangerousGoldZebra - 6 years ago
On City West campus

I’m lost

FeistyHeliotropeHippo - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Whos got introductory to economics and finance today at 11?

BraveNavyBee - 6 years ago
On City West campus


MischievousMaroonGiraffe - 6 years ago
On City West campus

Who’s in GK2-15 for a tut tomorrow at 11.10

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