I'm a UniMelb student studying Health.


Per hour




Started uni
Current Doctor of Medicine student at UoM. I tutor CASPer, Section II GAMSAT, and I run MMI preparation sessions too! In addition, I also provide assignment help for any Griffith subject I've completed. I'm a former Psychology tutor at Griffith University who has moved to Melbourne and is now doing a Doctor of Medicine. Psychology is obviously fundamental in understanding how to approach humanities type situations (CASPer/MMI/S2) so I am well positioned to help you achieve your best. I scored 75/83/79 in GAMSAT, with a 4th Quartile CASPer - and have helped many students drastically improve their scores in S2 and CASPer. Looking for a tutor with extensive experience tutoring at Griffith and teaching around the world? Look no further! Whilst in my tutoring role at Griffith, multiple students asked if I was willing to privately tutor them, which was forbidden by Griffith while working for them. Now that I've graduated and left the role, it is open season. You'll see real quick that I'm worth the $50/h. I now have three Bachelor's Degrees, in Med, Economics, and Psych. Why? Idk, I just like studying and hate working I guess. This does mean however, I can help you with nearly any subject! A fun aside, I was also a lecturer at Sichuan University in China, but admittedly this was just for English.. nonetheless international students should feel comfortable selecting me as their tutor, with all English levels catered to (IELTS 6+ ideally). In terms of what you'll get from me, you'll receive a comprehensive tutoring program. I won't just show you the mistakes you've made - I'll show you how to approach ethical questions for both CASPer and MMI, and if its assignment help you need, I'll teach you to write assignments from the ground up - in Psych especially, they're all very similar and once you've mastered one, you're golden.

