I'm a UNSW student studying Engineering.


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Accreditation: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). PhD student of Mechanical Engineering at UNSW Work experience of 5 years as a mechanical engineer Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education About Me: Engineering has always been a passion of mine and further, extending this interest to my students is something I enjoy doing. An important aspect of my teaching is the significance I place on tailoring the student experience, that is, modifying my work, teaching style, and delivery mode, to you. I have extensive experience tutoring both university and high school students and am confident in providing top-tier education. The breadth of my academic accreditations thus, allows me to provide you with detailed, succinct, and targeted study plans to best suit your skill level. Teaching Style: I pride myself on my ability to assess students accurately in order to deliver education that curated to you and for you. I will focus on perfecting the fundamentals of mechanical engineering, to then guide you in expanding your knowledge further. In doing this, I will be able to assist you with assignments and other assessments. My mantra is to think big; think outside the box. After all, this is what your future employers will be looking for. As an industry professional myself, I hope to develop transferable skills that will benefit students for years to come. So, whether you are a university student struggling with mechanical engineering subjects or a high school student looking to excel academically - I’m the guy for you.



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