UOW Engineering Tutor Pamitha

English, Sinhala

Pamitha tutored me in math201 and phys305, he is an excellent tutor and very knowledgeable about both physics and math, and I think $45 per hour is worth it. He prepares for the class very well, and reviews the lecture notes. He is able to explain the concepts in a simple way that I can understand it well, and he helped me to solve many problems, and makes sure that I grasped the techniques to solve them. During the class, he was asking me to make sure that I understood the concepts of the subject or techniques to solve problems. He is flexible, friendly, and tries hard to help. I recommend him to anyone student struggling with engineering, math and physics.
Ameen, StudentVIP member
since April, 2024

Pamitha is an excellent and friendly tutor and has helped me with first year physics with no prior physics knowledge. He is able to explain complicated ideas by using real life examples to help simplify the content. Pamitha is also always willing to put in extra time to help me solidify my understanding of the content. I would highly recommend Pamitha as a tutor.
Izak, StudentVIP member
since May, 2024

Best tutor I've had. Pamitha is able to explain concepts in different ways so that I'm able to understand. He puts A LOT of time to prepare before tutoring. Definitely recommend and the price is good. :))
V, StudentVIP member
since March, 2019
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