I'm a Macq. student studying Engineering.


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Started uni
(Both face-to-face and online tutoring done via Zoom). A tutor in STAT1170 and STAT1250 in Macquarie University!!! Received HD myself in all the subjects I will tutor (95+ in all of them)! Received Full Scholarship for the entire full 4 years of studies. Recently completed Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours! Have got numerous experience in tutoring these subjects and helping students to get good grades (even HD in numerous occasions who were barely passing before). Have taught more than 150 students in the past 6 years and can proudly say, none of them have failed the respective units. Feel free to contact me. Minimum 2 hours/session. Can help in clarifying concepts, assignments and/or solving past papers for class tests, final exams. Message me for group rates. Cheers :)


English, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu


Nahian provided me with exceptional help throughout the course of completing STAT1250. While the content may seem overwhelming, Nahian simplifies it and guides you through each step clearly. He has excellent availability and is very responsive. He is very straightforward and provides you with the confidence to literally ‘Excel’ in the course! 😂. I had previously done STAT1250 and failed, however, since Nahian I am actually passing my weekly quizzes and the class test! For the first time I had confidence when completing the final exam. Would strongly recommend Nahian if you are struggling with the course.

Mia, StudentVIP member
since April, 2024


Nahian was a sincere and awesome tutor. He lays out the weekly workload so thoroughly and precise. You can get a grasp for difficult theory quite well with his tutoring methods. Highly recommend!!

Jack, StudentVIP member
since June, 2017


Nahian tutored me in STAT150 in Semester 2 of 2018. I was honestly so terrified of failing having minimal maths skills but with Nahian's help I ended up with a distinction! He was able to clearly summarise 2-3 weeks worth of topics in 2 hours and break it down in a way that was easy to understand. By the end of semester he had helped me develop some great notes and feel prepared for the final. I am so grateful for his help and would seriously recommend him to anyone struggling with STAT150.

Kelly, StudentVIP member
since February, 2016


I was so sure I would fail this subject so I sought Nahian's help. He helped me go from barely passing to achieving a distinction. He has a very thorough understanding of the topics and explains them so well. If you are struggling with this subject like I was, contact Nahian!

Samantha, StudentVIP member
since February, 2015


Nahian tutored me for STAT170 which for me, with no math background in high school or otherwise, was really confusing. Nahian really knows the material back to front as well as the course structure, his communication was clear and concise and he really helped me get my head around everything I was having difficulty with. After one session with him I felt so much more solid with the material and ended up with an HD for the unit. Recommend for anyone having difficulty understanding stat. This guy speaks your language :)

Rebecca, StudentVIP member
since February, 2018


I was very weak in the unit and didn’t not understand any content but thanks to Nahian I scored HDs in all my STAT170 assessments! Explained every week’s content in a very clear, easy and understandable way! 100% recommended.

Zawad, StudentVIP member
since February, 2016


I contacted Nahian after falling my first class test and was in desperate need of help. He is able to simplify everything and provide many helpful tips for the exam. After just 4 sittings with Nahian, I was able to obtain a score of 85% for my class test 2 and achieve an overall distinction for STAT150. Nahian is an absolute legend and I couldn't recommend him higher.

Liam, StudentVIP member
since March, 2016


Thank you so much Nahian!! I would highly recommend Nahian as a tutor for STAT150 I would not have received the marks I did without him. I am so happy with the results from my exam, I cannot recommend Nahian more highly. I have passed on his details to my friends that are doing STAT150 next year!

Emma, StudentVIP member
since July, 2015


I contacted Nahian after I failed my first class test and he helped me achieve the highest mark in class in the second term test and from failing statistics I ended up with a Distinction in my finals . He is an amazing tutor, as he provides you with the clarity that I didn't find through my lecturer and empowers you to perform your best and is very encouraging and supportive throughout the tutoring. Highly recommended if you want to pass or get Distinction !! Wish he was tutoring my other subjects too .

Fa, StudentVIP member
since July, 2017


Nahian helped me extremely with this course, literally made the content seem so simple. I would really recommend him to anyone who struggles whatsoever with STAT150.

Dan, StudentVIP member
since April, 2017

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