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Block 1 Summary - Inorganic Chemistry

In depth, yet simple summary of course work for the inorganic chemistry module of CHEM1020. Covers;...

19 pages, 6481 words


$80 per hour

Hey! I am a Ph.D researcher in chemistry, and I'm capable of providing comprehensive instruction on...


$80 per hour

Hi there! I'm Stuart and I'm statistician working at the Hunter Medical Research Institute. I'm a...


A better course than CHEM1010, better labs and better lecturers.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

This subject really builds on CHEM1010 so it's important to have that solid base to go from. It's a good subject and a little easier as you have more of an idea of what to expect from the labs and coursework.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

A well organized course that covers a lot of material. If you want to get the most out of the course try to understand what you're actually doing in the labs. Hammer the material in by reading about things that intrigue you elsewhere, and try to make connections between what you learn and the applications.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

Excellent chemistry subject providing you know the basics to chemistry. Quite engaging in the labs and really makes you think about a lot of real world scenarios where your new theory is applicable.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014