Human Genetics
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View all BMS2042 notesBMS2042: Practice Exam Questions
I worked through the lecture objectives for each BMS2042 lecture and made sample questions myself a...
30 pages, 4440 words
BMS2042 Notes
Comprehensive 135 page document listing ALL information provided by the lecturer and lecture slides....
135 pages, 20166 words
HD BMS2042: Human Genetics Lecture Summaries
A collaboration of notes I summarised and condensed into 'BMS2042 Lecture Summaries' using informati...
17 pages, 18596 words
BMS2042 Subject Notes - Learning Objective Summaries
Thorough but concise notes on each of the learning objectives for Genetics - separated into each wee...
44 pages, 10323 words
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A lot of content but it's very interesting. Practicals are easy to score well in but the prac report was marked very harshly. Prac test and exam were difficult but do-able.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Great unit for an introduction to genetics, but I didn't like it much. Lectures got very boring but the lab assessments are a great way to score!! Lab test was easy and a lot like the questions in the labs! Exam has a SAQ component but is very doable. Overall, an easy to HD unit.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Badly run, far too many assessments with small weightings (sometimes you could spend 6 hours on an assessment which was worth 0.5%).
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
very interesting, Be regular with the lecture material and try to apply them in practical classes. Things will get really easy. Practical exam is a very good way to score. All the Qs are the ones already done in lab. Make sure you understand all Q in practical manual well.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Human genetics is a great introductory unit to genetics. Its very interesting